velvet/ odinium

had a break out in my tank of velvet/ odinium disease... had it confirmed from a friend who owns the lfs and has about 30yrs experience and is helping to grow rare corals to help regenerate damaged coral reefs ....any one have experience with this horrible disease and would a cleaner wrass help in fighting the parasites off the fish my regal tang is covered and my sailfin and yellow tangs and clown gobie are all infected but all feeding well and eating pleanty of algae just scared i am going to loose my much loved fish
Cleaner Wrasses do not do well in our systems long term. They generally do not accept prepared foods, and in our small systems they do not get enough nourishment from cleaning the small amount of fish that we keep
Not much you can do at this point if you can see signs.

Also cleaner wrasses are obligate parasite eaters, and what you are seeing isnt the parasite. Its the slime coat they build up in an attempt to fight the parasite off. So that cleaner wrasses is just going to die in your tank. I would return it and see if the store can just keep it on staff so that it might have chance of surviving in captivity.
dont have the cleaner wrass was just trying to find natural ways of trying to get control of this parasite without using chemicals.
well good and bad with my fish..... woke up yesterday and sat just watching my tank for a while all fish fed and my regal tang who was probably the worst came out from his sleeping hole and fed extremly well along with all the others and noticed that all the infected fish seem to be improving all the spots seem to be disapearing so hopefully things are getting better... Woke this morning and found my clown goby has died totally gutted he was a right character .... will probably replace him once i know for sure that this parasite infection has gone but fingers cross things getting better but tangs still seem to be breathing fast compared to the other fish but it dont seem as bad as it was !!!!!
Oh, that is a bummer about your clown for sure. I'm so sorry. You say spots? Are you sure it isn't ich? Or do you just mean the discoloration...usually they say that when you can see the dustiness of the velvet outbreak the fish is done for. It'd be great if it was ich instead, maybe I'm just wishful thinking....
well in the beginning i thought it was ich because my regal tang when i first got him had a outbreak of ich and with in a few weeks he cleared up and had a few moments where it seemed to come and go but nothing that lasted anymore than a day ... anyway i got two yellow tangs and things still ok and then i know i shouldnt of but introduced a powder blue that is probably small to medium size and i know with tangs they are prone to ich .... anyway within a week of everything settling down my sailfin and regal and powderblue all had what as i describe as a dusting of spots .... then it just seemed to get worse and worse my small dotty back has slight signs of it 2 and my clown goby didnt get spots but looked like a fungus but sorry to say he died this morning ... but all fish seem to be clearing up and are all feeding very well i am just feeding them loads of green and purple algae also algae flakes, frozen brine, mysis, krill and they are all nice and fat everything else in tanks seems ok all my inverts are good and other fish are good corals all good to... with the spots on the fish i asked the lfs owner to come take a look and he said it wasnt ich it looked like odinium/velvet so as a second opinion i thought i would ask u guys when i get a moment i will try and get a picture
this is the spots on my tangs which i have been told its velvet/odinium ????? but not 100%


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well 3 weeks on and have lost a few fish but in the last 2 and a half weeks things have improved a lot all my fish have cleared up all the spots gone and all is great but lost a few nice fish in the process !!