Yellow Assessor

Hi guys,
I have a flame angel, a clown, and a six line. My tank seems to be doing well (finally!) and I was putzing around the LFS getting water and checking out snails I saw a yellow assessor. (gold basslet) It's a cool looking fish so I decided to do some research. It was odd to me that I couldn't recall ever reading anything on here on about them and I was wondering why they are not popular. Everything I read seems to sound positive and it seems like he would be a nice fishy addition. Anyone have any experience or thoughts/feelings/opinions?
You probably don't hear about them much because they are so expensive (normally $100 to $200 per fish). They are hard to find available for sale as well.
My LFS sells the ORA Yellow Assesor for $39.99. I have watched them when I am in the store occasionally. They are an odd fish. They will periodically swim upside down. They are jumpers though, so keep that in mind.

I believe that Dana has one of these in his reef
No kidding North! The few times I've seen them at my LFS, they've been the equivalent of a month's electric bill for my house!
I am still trying to figure out how my LFS stays in business. The prices for their fish are less than many online vendors, and I have not lost a single fish that I got from him. He puts his fish through a quarantine in tanks below the DT's before the fish is listed for sale. I've also asked questions about fish that i have researched, and the answers he has given me on pretty much everything has matched what I've heard here and elsewhere - its really a stand up place

Okay - back on topic though. I do think I want to add one of these at some point, I dont think you'll have any issue sarah
I also like that they do well in groups. We often hear the question of "What's a good schooling fish for my tank?" and the standard answer is "Anthias, chromis and cardinals." This adds a new fish to that list, and one that looks different from the other ones that people are already familiar with.
I may go pick him up tonight, since you all seem to think it's an ok fish. He's $40, I didn't know this was a deal, now I HAVE to have him ;)
Got him! (store is 5 min from me) He's acclimating right now and soon he'll be in his new home. I'll post pics tomorrow, as tonight he'll be going into a dark tank of course.
I didn't realize they were so expensive in some places, no wonder they don't seem popular!
I have one. I paid 40 too as when i bought him he was under low lighting and was basically brown. Once under proper lighting he yellowed right up in a few days. IME with mine he is very chill. Prolly wouldnt do well with any more aggresive fish. I had a yellow/purple dottyback in the reef with him and he ate his tail all the way to the meat. Had to rip apart the reef to get the dottyback. The fish that you have listed IME and opinion are semi aggrssive and might not do well with him. Specifcally the sixline, but i could be wrong!

Id say its worth a shot and im just a novice when judging fishies.....I see you have already bought him! Goood luck! You will LOVE him! Just the way they swim around is funnay.
It's a fish that I've seriously considered, but around here the cost is too prohibitive for a new system that is still getting broken in. Good luck! I think they are gorgeous, and I wish they were less expensive in my area!
Thanks for your insight Dana. I had heard that you had Y.A. experience so I was hoping you would chime in. It's odd, my clown, sixline and flame seem to all be on the wuss side. I've never seen any aggression. No chasing, nothing. I was looking at a dotty back since I have what are clasified as semi-agg fish but the more I considered how my individual fish behave the more it seemed like a bad idea. I will see when the lights go on today. Right now the clown and Y.A. are sort of hovering in the same area.
Just for comparison here is the link on LiveAquaria. $99.99. I'm a big fan of this fish and may have to ask my LFS to special order one for me from ORA once they start carrying fish.
Just for comparison here is the link on LiveAquaria. $99.99. I'm a big fan of this fish and may have to ask my LFS to special order one for me from ORA once they start carrying fish.

My two LFS' usually price fish about double what they go for online (which makes sense once you factor in shipping costs, and the costs of running a store). It's amazing that some places sell these guys for so cheap.
Sorry pics took me so long, new fish is settling in nicely and eating a lot. The pictures quality isn't great but you get the idea ;)


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I saw a few signs of aggression with my clown but nothing much besides that...


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