Fish choices for 20 gallon tall??


newbie reefer
Well we just picked up a 1.5yr established 20 gallon tall reef tank. We have some anthelias, and zoas along with 1 clown, 5 snails, and 5 hermits. We are deciding what fish to get next. We like mandarin dragonets, maybe a chromis, but would like a good fish to swim around with the clown. And I pretty much limited to 3 small fish? I don't want too heavy of a bio-load, and plan to fill it with some corals. Plus something to keep the sand bed shifted..
Typical rule of thumb is 1 fish per 10 gallons....2 is the limit, 3 max. Why not get another clownfish? Just make sure it's much bigger or smaller than the one in the tank now. Or some type of goby (but they don't really swim). Firefish are nice little fish, too...but they don't swim around much either LOL Avoid damsels like the plague!
Warning! Warning! Steer clear of the mandarin. Your tank is too small & I doubt you have enough live rock to sustain it's Cpod requirements, but if you just HAVE TO get one, try the tank raised b/c they're already trained to eat frozed foods...BTW how many anthias do you have? The anthias & the tank size may be a reason why the previous owner kept the current bioload so low. Anthias can reqiure multiple feedings a day!! I took mine back b/c it was forcing me to overfeed my tank just to make sure that it got enough food. My tangs were in hog heaven til I took it back.
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Anthias need bigger tanks as well, in the 75 gal range. They are very active fish and a larger tank will help keep them fed, which as chuck mentions is very difficult
yes i am! Anthelia's haha. Ok I have chromis at home and kind of want something different at the office. I have researched Mandarin's need pods to eat, and I know that's not the fish for us. Thanks for your responses just want a colorful free swimming little guy.
Do you guys think a 20g is too small for cardinals? I have a 20g and was thinking of stocking with one bengai cardinal and one firefish. But I know on liveaquaria it says 30g minimum.
Just a side not I have a fire Goby and all he does is sit behind a rock and chill till feeding time! If yoor looking for something thats gonna swim around might wanta look at something else. Just a piece of advice and my experience with them


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