Phastrohs 220 Gallon Build - Pic Heavy

Just a few last fish!


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At this point the future of this tank has a few things to happen.

1) A new 75 Gallon Tank with a revised sump. Same layout just modified a little.

2) Carbon Reactor hopefully this week.

3) Some Blue and Green Corals from Elite Corals.

4) Time to let things grow :)

Thanks for looking and I will post my new things as I add them and build new stuff.
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Yes I did. It is a beauty and loves to come up to the glass to say hi. Actually all the fish do especially the Lieutenant.

You know I was always checking in how large all the fish get and I happened to stumble across this site that had the sizes.

Well like it says everywhere about the Naso getting 18 inches this site also said the maximum recorded length in the wild was 18".

So when I purchased the Powder Blue it said 9", well this site says the maximum size recorded was 2' 3" not 100% on the inches part.

I really hope the 9" is more accurate but way down the road I will most likely have to get rid of the Naso if it really grows that big.

I talk to a lot of good store owners and workers so I think they are good with the info they give me. I told the one guy since he has what looks like a 1000 gallon tank he can take the Naso in a few years haha.

They have these HUGE Tangs that have to be over a foot long.
Thanks man I appreciate it. I was hoping not to get much flak on my choices and stuff so it has been great.

I am ordering my Carbon Reactor today and the 75Gal tank I was gonna buy I think sold so either way I will be making a new Sump in the future.

I will post new stuff soon.
Thanks a lot everyone. Well I will be hooking up my BRS Deluxe Carbon Reactor tomorrow when it comes. I also got an extra MJ 1200 with it. I should also be getting my Turbo Twist 12x so it can't hurt to use it.

Yeah I have seen some dead coral in a few tanks and I still think it looks ok if kept clean haha.

I just wanted to keep the tank open and free from a wall of rock. I also wanted to be able to keep the back clean, have good flo, and most importantly a lot of swimming room for the fish.

I still have a ton of room but unless you view it from the side you can't see how deep the tank really is.

I could double the rock and still have room.

One day I may start keep acros and want it to be neat looking sort of like the Aquariumin the Sky look. Search You Tube the tank is one of my favorites. The way it is now leaves me much much room for corals to be placed in the substrate, etc.

I was gonna do one side low and the other high and leave empty space past the lower side but I went with this look. It was done the first time as I did the transfer and thankfully it all fit together with ease. Somehow my rock with Zoas growing on it ended up with the Zoas facing out :) I forgot they were there.

I also made sure as I set up the rock I left many places to place corals down the road. I planned ahead this time.

My sump is also so big I have plenty of room to add stuff.
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At this point the future of this tank has a few things to happen.

1) A new 75 Gallon Tank with a revised sump. Same layout just modified a little.

2) Carbon Reactor hopefully this week.

3) Some Blue and Green Corals from Elite Corals.

4) Time to let things grow :)

Thanks for looking and I will post my new things as I add them and build new stuff.

how do you like dealing with elite corals? good product and prices?
Aqueon 1250's and one 550(I think that is the number) I also keep a Korilia Nano in the fuge.

Elite Corals in my opinion is decent. The guy has it in his house last time I bought.

Really nice guy. I think I paid $40 for that Bubble Coral you see in my tank.. The smaller bubble one.

He does have some nice stuff and it tends to be not over priced and if you find him on Facebook you will see his selection is not the typical stuff I find at times at Marine Warehouse. Even Fish and Other Icthy stuff with their huge coral section was limited to me the other day.

Coral Corral is good but some stuff is a lot to me.

From my experience I say check him out.
Latest Photos of my tank.

So I recently took some photos of my tank.

While the tank is young(2 months) the rock has been going for about a year.

My corals are young as well so I would imagine in a year or so and many corals later this tank will be really going.

I will make notes in the photo posts for things I want to point out in them like the coral it is and issue there are with them, or the fish, etc.

The first bunch of photos are just ones I took from the sides. Many are similar but enjoy it anyway haha! There are some cool ones though.

Don't mind the algae on the glass please.:grumble:


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Re: Latest Photos of my tank.

Here is a photo of my Sleeper Coral Banded Goby hiding.

There is also some photos of the fish feeding on some sheets. I use a stick because all the clips I buy suck.

There is a photo of my Cardinals all hanging out.

There is also a full shot of the tank and some of each side.

The photo of the sand is to show the discoloration that has come from who knows where. I stir the whole tank(lightly) and it comes back within and hour.


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Re: Latest Photos of my tank.

These next photos are of the corals I have in my tank.

There is a shot of my 2 Acros. They have a bit more color in person but are still only about 3 weeks in the tank so they need more time. I am pretty sure my lights are not as powerful as they were grown in.

There is a shot of my Frag Rack. I am currently building one from Plexi-glass that is left over from my Bubble Trap Project. This one isn't even glue together but the acrylic one will have holes drilled into it.

In the photo with the Frog Spawn you will see above it my Aussie Worm Brain Coral that is actually way better then it had been. It is still on watch from LiveAquaria until tomorrow but the purple color has not even tried to make a comeback. I have had it roughly a month and while it is better than even last week I am hoping it gets better.

The rest of the pix are just the corals as they sit. Most are decent in size and I have some smaller coral that were frags to start like the small FrogSpawn and the Hammer.


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Re: Latest Photos of my tank.

The Brain coral is about the size of my hand.

The big bubble Bubble Coral gets up to the size of 2 softballs.

The Clam is about 5"-6"

That Doughnut Coral is normally between a baseball and golfball.

The large Acro is almost if not the size of a baseball.

The Green Mushrooms blowup quite large.

There are some really big mushrooms below the small bubble Bubble Coral below the rock, and I realized there are corals not even posted?!?!?! Weird.

I can't wait to get many more corals and also when the tank matures some.

I made it an open tank on purpose so the fish would be out more and have a lot of swimming room wherever they choose.

Plus I can make a nice coral layout. i left many rock spots ahead of time to place them. Some are not in permanent locations. Only the Acros are epoxied in place.