New 30 gallon long Tank!!!

Thanks little i finally went to the lfs and traded the dori for a flame hawkfish. I askerd them about the wrasse but they were just sold out..... but w.e. Well i also have some good news and its that my hair algea problem is finally almost gone!!! also i got two frags from the store (Frogspawn and and hard coral forgot the name...) They seem like thye just love my tank! Still gona miss dori but w.e.
OHH i forgot mushroom and zoanthid is finally opening up!!!

Question: What type of flow do zoanthids like? mushroom? frogspawn? hard coral( it has like eyes that come out of it(will take pics tomorrow))
the hard coral will like extremely high flow and zoanthids and shrooms prefer med to low flow:) and be careful it seems your adding stuff really fast.
Ya I know what you mean but since I turned in the tang I had store credit that I was only able to use during that time. Plan on waiting another week before adding anything else.
With corals and inverts, you can add as much or as many as you want without waiting. With fish, you should wait 3-4 weeks until adding more to allow the tank time to adjust for the higher bioload. For the hard coral, there are two types LPS and SPS. LPS will prefer a gentle to moderate flows, and SPS will like buggers flows.
NEw photos!!!

Sorry but my lights were just turning on...
Zooanthids :)
Does anyone know what that red stuff is on that frag? lol

HArd coral forgot the name...

Frogspawn my new favorite!!!!

KK im new and wanted to know if this caulerpa looked okay?

Should i put this in my dt to get more flow( currently have 1400 gph just powerheads)
Ohh I also forgot to ask how should my powerheads be place? What should be the height and what side. I was thinking of getting between another 30 dollar Frag or a 30 dollar powerhead. O have 2 korelias right now each have 750gph. Right mow they are facing each other in the upper top
I personally wouldnt run the mechanical filter at all. If you need to, you can run it for a week at a time to polish your water or remove some toxin, but i wouldnt run it 24/7.

Also, what corals do you have? Mushrooms like low light, low flow so put them on the bottom somewhere.

That is a great amount of flow for your tank too. Just make sure that one powerhead is rippling the surface.
+1 on the Aqua Scaping. Lookks great!!!
On the mushroom coral. I just bought one Saturday also, my LFS told me not to worry if it closed up and didnt come out for a day or two.. Like Fish said its getting used to tank. Mine came out right away amazingly but you shouldn't worry. It should be fine!!!
kk thanks justins and little and nano! My mushroom is retarded and went somehow went into a crack in the rock.... Hopefully he comes out soon. I have some pics of all my corals in page 3 can you help me identifing the hard coral.
KK here are the best pics i can take
HArd coral

Frog spawn

Zoas this frag has a bit of red hair stuff with it anyone know what it might be?