my newest $5 Spontaneous purchase


Reefing newb
\im thinking some sort of froggspawn? i know your suposed to research it but for 5 bucks lol i couldnt resist


  • frogg.jpg
    20.5 KB · Views: 220
ohhhh i got 2 heads or what ever you call them, and only one is open, im assuming that its because i just put them in there like an hour ago but do they eat shrimp also?
Nice!! If the one head was bumped or disturbed during transit, it may take a while to open. If it's damaged beyond repair, it may not open at all. :( They are pretty sensitive when being moved around.

Some will eat shrimp, others won't. You can try target feeding it by putting some food on its tentacles. If it wants to eat, it will move the food to its mouth.
lol asidefrom my hermit crabs it is by far the cheapest item in my tank, but if it dies, it wont cause an ammonia spike?
Before you count it out, just give it a few days to recover. Try not to bump it or move it around... It may take a while to open up.
oh i already glued him to a rock i have some pretty (pardon my language but its what i call them) asshole crabs that enjoy moving everything in there to where they feel it should be and it drives me crazy! like i had just fragged a few mushrooms about 3 weeks ago, i had 12 fraggs and they got in my little dish and moved them all over, so now i have mushrooms in random spots lol
well i buy frags lol i want to grow my own and because im lucky to even find frags around here, but it ticks me off when i turn my lights on and my zoas are under rocks
hahaha yea, crabs, urchins, all these guys love to move things around :D Annoying as, but nice purchase!