Sailfin Tang


Reefing newb
So, here's our new addition:sfish:. Been with us about 3 days now:D. An eating machine. Was just wondering, this guys is always looking for food. How often should I feed? And can I overfeed?


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Sailfins and all Tangs are herbivores and they're natural "grazers" so he'll constantly be looking for algae, etc. to pick off of the rocks. You should feed him algae sheets with garlic extract at least every other day. I feed my tangs some algae sheets every day, but I also have alot of Tangs and I don't have any natural algae growing in my tank.

And since everyone is going to ask. Is the sailfin in a 27g or 14g tank? If so, you need to take him back to the store. He won't last very long in there.
No, right now he's in a 100g. tank. Sorry, thought I updated my tank info. He's getting much more social. Likes to play with the powerhead. Loves his garlic seaweed. Thanks for the comments and info. :sfish: