PRC's New 180g Build

Thats awesome ....hope mine will look half that good in 3 weeks...:shock:
got some serious flow going on too....would you have cleaned it off more if you had your water working properly,or is that about how much to normally leave on
I always leave about 105 on the helps it grow the following week...if the growth is brown, remove it completely.
I always leave about 105 on the helps it grow the following week...if the growth is brown, remove it completely.

10%, i think....:lol:.....
it looks like your stuff is thick and not just covering the i assume you still scrape all that off till you can see through it?...I'm noticing more green growing on mine now too:D
Here's a dated progress video so I can keep track of growth rates.

[ame=]YouTube - PRC's 180g Reef Tank 2/22/2011[/ame]
So I was running early for an appointment today...Punched in my location into and voila...put a deposit down on a massive purple monti cap...Here's a pic I snapped at the LFS..gonna go pick it up tomorrow. I don't run across big pieces like this that are affordable very often. It's gotta be 12" front to back.


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PRC that's a great looking tank. You're vids are very helpful. I should have looked at this thread before I bought all the stuff for my scrubber. You taught me a lot with your vids. For that I thank you. A lot of newbies like me will benefit from them.
another good vid...and congrats on the pick -up.....I used to toss a big algae sheet in there and let the at it to...i started cutting them up into little pieces angel and tang have gotten their lips bit one too many times by the triggers..
Thank you........As soon as i have enough posts, I will be able to send you a PM. Until then Thank you........and keep posting for us newbies.
I finally had the time to go pick up the new monti cap that I put a deposit on last week.. I had to keep putting it off because of the plumbing issues in my house, but I finally had a chance to drive out and go get it this morning. I actually managed to get it home and in the tank without breaking any of it!


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