Fragging Riccordeas?


Reefing newb
If I have a riccordea that looks like the first drawing (single body with 2 mouths), can I frag it by cutting where the line is drawn in the second picture, creating two riccs with one mouth each?


  • Ric 0.jpg
    Ric 0.jpg
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  • Ric 2.jpg
    Ric 2.jpg
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I have some that are the same and have wondered the same thing. I always thought you were supposed to frag mushrooms by cutting through the mouth, but then I didn't know what to do with rics that have more than one mouth.

I also notice that mine will get multiple mouths, but the rics just continue to grow but never split. Do they split in captivity on their own?
I have some that are the same and have wondered the same thing. I always thought you were supposed to frag mushrooms by cutting through the mouth, but then I didn't know what to do with rics that have more than one mouth.

I also notice that mine will get multiple mouths, but the rics just continue to grow but never split. Do they split in captivity on their own?

Yeah, I have the same issue Dennis, and I had also heard that you frag them by cutting through the mouth. I have one ric with 4 mouths...!
I had experience, my ricordia was ripped off very badly hit by rock falls on it. The ricordia healed within days. From that experience we can draw conclusion that by cutting the flesh will NOT kill it. Its mouth is the key for survival. You can make your experiment and let us know the outcome. I bet both halves will survive.
I believe cutting the ricordea in 1/2 will work. Just make sure each 1/2 has a mouth. In the case of cutting THROUGH the mouth: by cutting the mouth it "force" multiplies your Shroom/Ricordea. Hell, I've watched guys cut shrooms into 1/4s. However, since you already have 2 mouths just cut down the middle. Good luck!
definitely post your process when you do it. I've got 4 rics that just keep growing bigger/and more mouths and won't split.
That should work, in theory. In reality, rics are so expensive that I never had the guts to try! So maybe someone will volunteer!
I can just cut the mouth in half? i got a green one that has refused to attach itself to a rock so...lets see what happens.
Come to thick of it, I tried multiplying my purple frilly Shroom. I cut it down the center of it's mouth but it was on an ackward rock so I couldn't really cut the whole thing in 1/2. But it's mouth grew back together and it's all fine. So if you try the while "cut the mouth" trick, make sure you've detached the foot and put it on a cutting board or some flat surface.
definitely post your process when you do it. I've got 4 rics that just keep growing bigger/and more mouths and won't split.

Okay, here's the walkthrough:

This is a bad pic of the ric before I fragged it. It had 2 mouths, and half of it wasn't attached to the LR which is why I wanted to cut it in half inbetween its two mouths, creating two rics with one mouth each. I just used a small pair of surgical scissors to cut the ric.

I placed the half of the ric that I cut off of the LR in a fish breeder plastic box thing that I had stuffed in my garage from freshwater aquarium days. It has holes to allow the flow through but keeps the flow down to a minimum so that hopefully the ric will attach to a frag plug.

I put lots of frag plugs and frag disks in the box to weigh it down, and I have the ric loosely tied to one of the frag plugs with some black sewing thread.

And, here's a pic of the half of the ric that remains attached to the LR.

Both halves seem to be doing fine. :mrgreen:
I myself didnt get a chance to cut the foot. I was rushed all day today and basically just cut the ric in half all the way through its mouth on the rock and left it.