another coral identification


Reefing newb
Ok so seems how my new frags are finally opening far enough to actually see and i happen to love taking pics of them i would like to see if anyone can identify the type they are. im not really not knowledgeable of all the zoa names so heres a few pics. for those who have not seen my last thread there was two types on one frag but on type happened to fall off the frag plug a couple days after i bought it so i glued them separately on a rock in my tank. so there are two different types. one with green around the outside with an orange/brown face and a purple mouth and the others are green outside green face and a yellow/light green center. I also have a quick question, i have noticed that when one of my snails or crabs crawl by them they close up like imeadiately and that is like my crabs favorite hangout is this a problem or is it just normal. it seems like my crab wants to host the coral or something but the coral is scared of it. lol but anyway without any further delay heres the pic


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Crabs don't really "host" in anything. I know when I add something new to my tank everyone comes over and checks it out and the cleaner shrimp and crabs give it a good scrubbing...
I have no idea on your ID though.
Really? Well excuse my noob-ness... I bow to you, BL. :bowdown:
And I just realized that yes, you are right.
I didn't think hermits, did, though... isn't it mostly sexy shrimp and such?
yeah actually that was supposed to be a joke. lol its now apparent that i suck at telling jokes. that is really interesting though that there are crabs that do that. ive heard of pistols kinda being hosted by gobies but never an inver hosting something else. do you know any specific names of crabs that will do that BL1? i may want to research this!
Porcelain crabs Porcelain Anemone Crab
Sexy shrimp Saltwater Invertebrates for Marine Reef Aquariums: Sexy Anemone Shrimp
White spot anemone shrimp White Spot Anemone Shrimp
Venus Shrimp Saltwater Aquarium Inverts for Marine Reef Aquariums: Venus Anemone Shrimp

Acropora crabs are the ones that will host SPS Saltwater Aquarium Inverts for Marine Reef Aquariums: Trapezia Pocillopora/Acropora Crab

I know there are other crabs that will host as well but, I can't think of them off the top of my head.
Cool pic Biff, is that a strawberry crab?

No, he didn't have white spots like a strawberry crab, and he was smooth and skinnier. He was some sort of acro crab. There are so many different types, so I never did get a true ID for him. I just called him Sebastian. :)
No, he didn't have white spots like a strawberry crab, and he was smooth and skinnier. He was some sort of acro crab. There are so many different types, so I never did get a true ID for him. I just called him Sebastian. :)
Cool, I want to wait for my acros to grow out a little more so I can add one, I think they're very cool looking.
that is really cool. i watched some vids on youtube about those porcelain crabs theres one where he just sits there and gaurds his anemone. I know what im gettin if i ever upgrade! oh and thanks for the pic Biff! but as interesting as those are can we get back to the ID? id still like to know what to call my little
ok maybe i will post some new pics in a while when the polyps open more. Thanks alot for the link though! I will browse through there and see if i can find something