Feather Duster Creating Clone?


Reefing newb
It looks like my feather duster is splitting off on it's 'butt' end. Does that mean it's going to create a clone of itself. i read somewhere that they could do that. I attached a picture. the section i colored in red is how thick it use to be. now it looks like if i touch it, its 'butt' could fall off. I checked all my water param. but they're all good. and none of my fish ever bother it, so i know it's not stressed. hmm. :dunno:


  • feather duster missing.jpg
    feather duster missing.jpg
    35.1 KB · Views: 664
oh i just realized i didn't type in my question. :p i just wanted to know if its end did separate, i should leave it alone? i wouldn't want anything to be fouling the water.