more clam issues


Reefing newb
so my clam has somehow managed to twist himself so that he is almost tipped over completely to one side.. not symmetrically but like a ship tipping over... should i try to twist and turn him to a normal downward football position???
i really dont want to stress him out anymore so im leaning toward just leaving him... he did get himself like that maybe he likes it but ive never seen a clam in this position.


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no the piece is at the very base of the entire rock structure... so moving it would make my birds nest fall and cause my to move my entire tank around.. that would be the last resort.... will he become injured or stressed in this position? i dont mind it he is well presented but it just looks awkward for him
If he doesnt like it, he will release. My clam twisted and turned for a couple days before settling down in one spot. He will find a secure foot hold
If you really want to move you can always cut the foot. I've cut my clams foot 3 times and it's just fine. Make sure to cut it as close to the rock its attached to as possible. Use a razor blade or very sharp pair of scissors. Make sure not to pull on the clam while cutting as its very easy to rip the foot and that will kill it.