doomed anemone?


Reefing newb
i picked up this sad little guy today at the same irresponsible petco. hes a green bubble anemone and he has been deflating since i saw him first arrive at petco a few weeks ago. he also looks very very pathetic in my tank and is now secreting a brownish colour... please let me know what you think... is he doomed?
oops forgot pictures


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Keep an eye on him. Mine does this every night. (shrivel and excrete brown) aka he is taking a poopie. But still keep an eye on him. Still has color, maybe try feeding him if he puffs up tomorrow
What type of lighting and how many watts?

Personally,save or not,I would not put an anemone in such a small tank.If they turn to mush while you sleep,it could potentially kill everything.
i have a 12000k t5 and a 460 actinic t5 for about 5 watts per gallon... every other photosynthetic is going nuts under the light as its fairly a shallow tank. although i will be doubling my light in the near future.
i think and hope hes just shriveling and shrinking like my haitian does which i know is regular but when i put him in at first today he was "bouncing back" from transport for about an hour and then he began to shrivel and excrete things. he did react slightly when i gently suctioned his deification away....
his stomach/mouth is no longer inside out and he looks proportionally shriveled like a normal sleeping anemone...he is also no longer excreting anything so ill check in the morning... plus he attached well to the spot i put him in and hasnt loosened up at all so im hoping he'll pull through
You've got plenty of light. The brown stuff was probably just the anemone cleaning its self out ( crappin ).
My white bubbletip does all sorts of strange things... It sometimes looks like it's not very well and they an hour or two later its big and beautiful again. Sometimes it puts out slime (quite normal - I know now), and sometimes shrivels right up and goes a brown colour. It usually is big, juicy and it's bubbles are round and full. it's taken me a good few months to get to know it.
just any update... i just woke up and the anemone is in the same place... strongly holding on... the lights to the aquarium have not even come on for the day and the anemone is already doing alot better... only a few tentacles on the outside are still shriveled and it looks bigger and healthier than in petco. i think hes going to make it but still keep a very very close eye on him... im going to attempt feeding him a small piece of silverside later if hes completely open and looks happy enough... for now im just taking it as a blessing that he isnt complete mush this morning and that i didnt find he and the other inhabitants floating at the top of the tank. :) ill keep everyone posted
the nem recovered and i had him for a few weeks after that, i removed him however because he moved a few times and was too much of a risk in such a small tank. he never died in my possession though and was healthy when he left me