Reefing newb
We have had a female green spotted dragonet for about 8 months. The red coris wrasse that we got out of the tank about a month ago had killed a very healty male green spotted.
We went to the local LFS who happend at that time to have 5 male dragonets. 4 who looked reasonably healthy and 1 that was totally starving and we think wouldn't have lived much longer. We decided that the money was not the priority but giving this starving little boy a good home and a chance.
We bought him, I have since then been over feeding my tank and using a syringe to make sure he is eating, I am amazed that he now looks for the syringe, about the same time every night he is at the same rock waiting !! ( little girl is now joining in )
He has gained so much weight, is active (wasn't when we first got him) and for the first time last night he & she did the lovely mating dance at lights down.
I only hope that more people are willing to take the chance (although probably a risky one) and give a starving (not sick obviously) fish a chance,.
Hope to have him happy and healthy for a very long time to come.
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