Omega's 120g Tank Upgrade

Sorry,never use the K8's.The problem I always have with one big circulation pumps is getting good random flow.Any corals to close gets blasted.It does baffle me why you didn't get a few of say the Koralia evo and use the wavemaker function on the RKE.I haven't set it up yet buy I have 4 evo 1400 that I will hook up to a RKE.

Not to take anything away from PS but I actually like the way the AI LEDS are mounted.
Sorry,never use the K8's.The problem I always have with one big circulation pumps is getting good random flow.Any corals to close gets blasted.It does baffle me why you didn't get a few of say the Koralia evo and use the wavemaker function on the RKE.I haven't set it up yet buy I have 4 evo 1400 that I will hook up to a RKE.

Not to take anything away from PS but I actually like the way the AI LEDS are mounted.

The K8 was a 'free gift with purchase' - I think I'm also against using wavemakers in anything under a 200g because it just seems like too many PHs in the tank - I prefer a cleaner tank look (which I guess I could go for Vortechs).

Also, I believe the AI's and PSs are mounted the same way with the ceiling mount (just the wire from the four corners) so mounting looks wise they'd look the same (other than the fact that that ones silver and the other black)
Finally switched over BC inhabitants and two new were added to the crew...

Frederic - Flame Angel:

Dana - Damsel

Barney - Blenny (don't know which kind)

Chubs and Foxy Cleopatra (and Konk the Conch in the background) - Tang is new, he was at the LFS in a 14 BC display tank at the store front along with a four inch percula clown for about 2 months (just under), had lateral erosion, heavy breathing, super skinny, hole in the top fins etc. I offered to buy him and the store owner (chinese guy) said 'not for sale'. I offered double what he was selling another tang for and brought him home. He plumped up in about a coupel days (garlic treatment, etc.) and the lateral white line went away... Hopefully he'll continue doing better.


Brain coral didn't do too well in the move - I think I may have slipped and pressed on one of the edges - I can see a brown spot the exact size/length of my fintertip - don't know how critical it is... :-|
Great Fish.. Your foxface has got great color. Nice job on saving the Tang. Takes a special person to do something like that.
Great Fish.. Your foxface has got great color. Nice job on saving the Tang. Takes a special person to do something like that.

Thanks - I was battling it out in my head. On one hand, having this huge fish in a small cube laying sideways looking funky at the front-desk seemed like the ideal way to prevent other people front purchasing their fish there - but on the other hand I just felt so bad; I mean it's one of the few times I've looked at a fish and just KNEW it was suffering and close to death... kind of a catch 22. It sounds odd, but the larger the fish the more 'real' they seem...

He seems really friendly though.
Thanks - I was battling it out in my head. On one hand, having this huge fish in a small cube laying sideways looking funky at the front-desk seemed like the ideal way to prevent other people front purchasing their fish there - but on the other hand I just felt so bad; I mean it's one of the few times I've looked at a fish and just KNEW it was suffering and close to death... kind of a catch 22. It sounds odd, but the larger the fish the more 'real' they seem...

He seems really friendly though.

P.S. Do foxfaces' change colors or patterns? Mine, every once in a great while, will completely change color on his front lobe area pretty quickly... At first I thought it was lighting or LED side-effect but I can visually see him change himself in front of me...
Yeah foxface turn colors all the time, depending on what they're doing. If they're swimming and feeling good they'll generally be bright yellow. When mine eats he turns a little brown. When he's sleeping he is in full cammo.
Here's a pic of my foxface that I just took....lights are off and it's night night time. Kinda gives you an idea of how drastically they can change. He uses the magfloat as his posturepedic.


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