the 210 gallon in wall project

Looks great! I can't even tell that the fabric on it is green! I am thinking I might have to think about lining the back of my tank with fabric.
heres a couple more...

oh, and one thing that i have figured out, i gotta figure out what bulbs to change so that i end up with less white light.. i dont know if its the combo of the coral grow and the red wave mixed with the actinics, or what, but there is WAY too much white light, and not near enough blue for my taste...


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Looking good project. I am not an expert on the lighting situation, but I would maybe change out the red wave. Not sure of thier spectrum but the name of it would seem that they are heavy on the red spectrum. Which will cancel out some of the blue you are looking for.

My tank at the moment has 2 actinics, 1 12000K and one 6500K bulb on it. It looks really good to my eyes. And that is the important thing to make it look good to you.
Thanks. Yea I'm playing with turning on different sections so I can see how some of them interact. Right now I'm kinda liking the 18000k/actinics.
Just remember, the red and blue colors on the spectrum are the ones that cause the most photosynthesis. (Atleast my understanding of reading the interwebs) So maybe you could have the red ones timed so that they are on when you wont be looking at the tank? Best of both worlds then maybe?
yea, i've been thinking about how to stagger the timers for the lights... i have basically 4 sections with the way i ended up wiring it up... each section being 4 bulbs...

i did notice last night that one of my "old" actinics went out... so, i'll be replacing that one asap... but its about a year old i'd guess. it came out of the old canopy that i had on the 75...

yea, i'm thinking that i'll run the "full spectrum" up during the day when there are fewer people here to look at it, and then in the evenings, i'll prolly just run the actinics and the 18000k's that i got.. that seems to make a nice display... needs more "flourescence" tho... my zoas really look better now that i have something over 10000k in there... i'm just waiting for them to adjust to the new lights... they are staying closed more of the day right now while they adjust...
Update: I chucked a couple frozen silversides in the tank cause snowflake was prowln around. Well he found one of them that was floating at the surface and he gobbeled it up! Now I feel better. I was worried about him.
<cough> PHOTOS! <cough> :shock: :squint: :mrgreen:

What, you show us a bunch of cool photos of the build and then you leave out feeding time? :frustrat: ...I'm not mad, as much as I am..:scratchch ...dissapointed :sad:

Update: I chucked a couple frozen silversides in the tank cause snowflake was prowln around. Well he found one of them that was floating at the surface and he gobbeled it up! Now I feel better. I was worried about him.

That's good news p5k. Glad to hear he's eating again. Finally!
i'll make it a point to have the camera ready next time... but i've done this a couple other times and he ignored them, so i wasnt really expecting much of a result... it surprised me...
I am so glad snowflake is eating again! I know you were very worried about him! I think you should set up a little video of feeding him! I think the eel feeding videos are so cool!
Well alrighty. Here is me trying the moving lights for the first time. I think I'm gonna increase the gearing a bit. It's almost too easy and too slow.

[ame=]YouTube - First try of moving lights[/ame]
LOL, man you gotta change that gearing. Your arm is gonna fall off! Oh, and you don't really need that beeping sound that comes on when you lower your fixture, I mean, if you don't know you're lowering you light, you have bigger issues. :mrgreen:
Next time throw in a strobe light and some techno music, it'll make the whole process look more natural :bounce:

j/k :mrgreen:
Hahahaha I totally didn't even hear that the first time. No the beeping was a timer in the kitchen. Yea I'm gonna double the ratio so it takes half as many turns and see what that does
thanks, the lights ride up and down on "tracks" that are really drawer sliders.. and then the cable and pullies and stuff are just home depot stock.. the winch is actually a worm drive unit i got from harbor freight... i chose it cause of it being a worm drive, the weight of the lights cant back drive the handle... actually, the long term plan is to put a small 24vdc electric motor inplace of the handle, then its just the flip of a switch to go up and down.. hehehehe