Added 3 fish.


Stop Quoting Me!
We took the kids out to dinner tonight and on the way home we stopped at the LFS. I let them each pick out 1 small fish.

My oldest son picked a scooter blenny. My youngest son picked out a cardinal, and my daughter picked a royal gramma. They're all tiny, so I don't htink I'll have to worry about the bioload in a 90g tank.

My youngest son saw the cardinal and it was like he saw Jesus. He would not get away form that tank. I tried everything, I really didn't want a cardinal. I was looking for something with some brighter colors. But he's been spending alot of time with me down in the office, and it's nice because the cardinal is right up front. (He's certainly not in any hurry to go anywhere)

My oldest boy picked the scooter blenny and he's pretty cool. His body is primarily white/beige with some red on it. He went straight into the clowns house, the minute we dropped him in. (What a dumbass).. Here's a pic of my female clown giving his ass the boot out the front door. (But she did do it nicely)

My daughter (who could give a rat's ass about the tank) picked the royal gramma, I like the color, too bad I haven't seen the fish since we put her in! :D

Don't bust my balls over 3 fish at once. They're tiny, I feel a little guilty about it, but I think I'll be fine, I'm staying all over the water changes, parameters are stable. Sometimes a dad's gotta show the baby's he love's em.


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All those are cool additions PRC.
In a 90 gallon tank,I highly doubt that those 3 fish will even phase the bio-load,:D
Now if you'd added 3 full grown black tip reef sharks,,welll,,that might be a different story.:mrgreen:
Do the Royal Grammas swim out in the open at all, or do they primarily hide? I understand that it's still adjusting to the tank...I'm just talking in general terms. sure is a shame for a fish with that kind of color to be a hider.
That's funny. All that color gone to waste.... I gotta tell ya' that Cardinal Fish is just full of excitement. I don't think he's moved 4 inches since I put him in the tank. The only time you actually see him move is when the current grabs a hold of him. Other than that it looks like somebody tied him there on a string.
Yeah NDB calls my pair of cardinals "The Robot Fish". It's like they're not even alive. Oh well, mine have character. One only has one eye ;)