PRC's 90 gallon Build

Hey, I started stacking the rock...water is back to being cloudy...Cleaning up the overflow right now. Are you working on your tank?
We had a snow day today. So I got to stay home and do a whole bunch of nothing. My water is starting to clear up (after I moved rocks around al day, I can't get them the way I want them, I guess I'll just have to buy more!). my water is getting there, and I siliconed my sump, just waiting for it to completely dry. installed the overflow.

I hit the motherlode today! Searching CL as usual, I run across a guy who's going back to freshwater because he travels too much. Anyway, picked up 3 brand new toys today! Mag 9.5, Koralia #3, and a brand new RO/DI unit for $175.00!! These things are still in the boxes! A blind dog finds a bone once in awhile. Here's some pics

I hit the motherlode today! Searching CL as usual, I run across a guy who's going back to freshwater because he travels too much. Anyway, picked up 3 brand new toys today! Mag 9.5, Koralia #3, and a brand new RO/DI unit for $175.00!! These things are still in the boxes! A blind dog finds a bone once in awhile. Here's some pics

Nice find!
So I finally finished up plumbing the sump today. I ran across the algae scrubber thread yesterday, so I threw that in the sump as well. Tested everything, everything works, powered it down a couple of times to make sure I wasn't going to flood if I had a power outage.

The water comes down from the overflow pretty violently. I don't have an elbow on it, just straight down from the DT. I think I'll drop an elbow on it, and if that don't work, maybe I'll drill a bunch of holes at the end of it.

Pics soon..I just stopped to take a smoke break.
Here are some pics of the new sump w/ algae scrubber. I have 2 lights on the algae scrubber now, but I took the picture when it only had one.


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Here are some pics that I took today with my phone. I'm doing the algae scrubber that I found on the DIY forum. Today is day 1. 2/15/2010

Here are some pics. Ammonia is obviously high. (I didn't test anything esle) Tank is still cycling so there's no livestock in it. Here is a picture of the algae scrubber in action. Let's see if this thing works. Since I don't have any livestock I figured now is the best time to test it out.


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I stopped in my favorite LFS today. As I walked in they were having some new live rock delivered. They let me dig through the boxes before they opened them up. Which was actually alot of fun. It's kinda' like a cross between going to a garage sale and garbage picking. So I snapped a couple of pics.

The first pic is just a 6 lb. piece that I picked up today, I wasn't really going there with the intention to by anything, but when you get the chance to dig through the boxes I guess you gotta take it. So I spent $20.

The 2nd pic is all of the rock that I have in my tank at this point, I obviously still need more. I've just got the rocks kind hodge podged in there at this point...I figure when I get another 20 to 30 lbs. I'll start aquascaping.

And yes, that's my furnace room, I just haven't taken the time to cover the back of the tank yet, since I'm always tinkering with it.


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That is some good looking rock:D
And going through the boxes at the store is like opening presents on Christmas morning.:D
Well I got my lights up today. They really shows off the swirl marks on the glass of my tank. Kinda bummed, but I got the tank for $40 so I'm going to have to live with it. At least for awhile. The lights are great...

Until I got the lights I had just a fluorescent in the back room on..This is a whole 'nother ball game. It looks like the sun coming through the water.
Quick update on the Algae scrubber. I think it's starting to work after 4 days. The screen is starting to turn what looks like a light brown. It got delayed a bit, because I pulled the first one off, I wasn't satisfied with how much I roughed it up. Hard to tell in pictures. Camera Phone.

I'll keep posting the progress.


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Ooohh Brown Stuff. I can't believe I'm sitting wround waiting for algae to grow.


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Good luck with your screen! Starting it early on might help you keep algae out of your tank. If you think watching algae grow is wierd, wait until you're up at 2 in the morning shining a red light all around your tank watching all the night life! *L*
I'm just shocked!! it seems like this thing is actually working. It cost me a total of 39 cents. (plus 6% sales tax of course)
Big Day in my world today. I woke up with Diatom Skeletons all over my tank! Yesterday, they were just in a small patch, now they're everywhere!.

Ammonia: under.20ppm. (Mostly yellow with a hint of green).
Nitrites: Close to .50ppm. Spiking.

Ammonia: under .10ppm (Yellow, but not quite Zero)
Nitrites: .20 ppm

(I don't bother to check anything else at this point during cycle)

Here are some pics. Check out the Algae scrubber difference between today and yesterday (yesterday's post). I did the first cleaning yesterday morning. Shocking how much collected on that thing over night.


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