PRC's 90 gallon Build


Stop Quoting Me!
Just starting this thread to document my progress with my tank. Here's a breakdown of what I'm working with.

55 gallon tank
AquaClear 70
AquaEuro Protein Skimmer
40lbs. of Aragonite
Visi-Therm Submersible Heater

I cut a hole in the wall in the basement of my home and installed the tank, filled it up, salt, sand, and heat...Then I called my buddy who's a carpenter to come out and take a look at it so that he can build a frame around it for me. By the time he was done, we were talking about reinforcing this, and building that, and moving the tank out of his way so he could work, so now I'm emptying the tank! (what do I know about carpentry?, I run wire for a living)....He's going to be out on Friday to get started. I'm geeked.

At this point, I don't have LR, a light(s), or Koralia pumps and I'm open to suggestions. May go out this weekend to buy, depending on how the Superbowl goes for me. :mrgreen:

I'm excited to get the tank cycling but not in a hurry. I'm not a fast decision maker, so this build may take quite some time!

Here's my first and only pic to date.


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Re: PRC's 55 gallon Build

I think everyone here will agree that patience and taking it slow are keys to success in this hobby. Good luck it looks like it should be a fantastic addition!
Re: PRC's 55 gallon Build

Ok, Rwynn, I took your advice. I dismantled the 55g, I'm going to use it for the sump. I found a 90g tank on CL for $40.00. It was ugly as heck, but it cleaned up real good.

I began cutting the hole in the wall, and will get the 90 into place tomorrow. So now as far as the sump goes, I'm going to drill the hole(s) myself. I use a drill everyday at work, so I'm comfortable with that. I don't know the manufacturer of the tank, so I'll find some polarized glasses tomorrow to make sure it's not tempered. The guy I bought it from said it wasn't on the sides, but you know what they say about assuming.

So here are my next questions. (Everybody feel free to jump in) I'll make you a deal, you guys give me good advice and I'll post as many pics as you want!:^:

1. Where do I drill the holes in the DT? or what is typical anyway. 90g tank 24x48x18

2. Where do I drill the hole in the sump?

3. Besides the obvious bulkheads and pvc pipe, new skimmer, egg crate, what else do I need?

4. What return pump do you recommend for me?

P.S.- Don't blame me for all of the questions. You started it. :grin:

I watched a sweet litle youtube video on drilling the holes. so I don't need any help with the actual process of drilling, just go slow, and stay wet.

I moved this from the Newbie Section. Forgot I added this..I will only post here from now on.
Re: PRC's 55 gallon Build

Ok, the 55g build is dead...The 55g is becoming the sump for the build. The 90g is in the wall and filled with water (cloudy as it may be). I'll send pics shortly. Nice thing about switching to the 90g is that it made the framing of the tank somewhat easier and less costly if you can imagine that. It fits perfectly in between the studs of the wall. We only had to do some minor modification, so that saved me some cash.

I also went out and got 3 pieces of decent size of rock, and a pump today.

I do have a question though, one of my pieces of rock would go perfectly into the corner of my tank, is there a reason that I don't see more rock near the corners?
Re: PRC's 55 gallon Build

I do have a question though, one of my pieces of rock would go perfectly into the corner of my tank, is there a reason that I don't see more rock near the corners?

Can trap more detritus maybe, but i try to keep clear at least enough to get my glass cleaner magnet by it.
Re: PRC's 55 gallon Build

Just wanted to say thanks Rwynn. You persuaded me, not that it took all that much arm twisting. I'm much happier with the 90 in the wall. I'm about to shoot up to home depot to get the trim, I'll take some pics and send them shortly.
Re: PRC's 55 gallon Build

Haha no worries, fueling the addiction is my thing it seems. My mother in law was down last week and saw me getting mine setup.....Yesterday she was back down with my father in law who has been questioning nonstop about saltwater and is looking into a 125g or so tank now lol.
Re: PRC's 55 gallon Build

Do you really want to be in the same hobby as your mother-in-law? I think I would have to take up skydiving.:D

Hope you mother-in-law is a bit more sane than mine! Good luck with that. I can see it now... "Hi R, it's your mother in law, what did you say my salinity was supposed to be at? Can you come over"
Re: PRC's 55 gallon Build

Well its more my father in law wanting to DO it and her wanting it to look awesome. He is a super technical type person with an eletrical engineering background. He was factoring in the monthly additions to his electric bill as I showed him lighting fixtures. He is also a DIYer and plans on building the tank, stand, canopy, etc etc. So it should be really neat actually.
Ok. Here it is. 90g in the wall, framed out. I didn't even have to call a carpenter..Woohoo!

I still haven't covered the 3 sides, I'm thinking about doing something other than paint this time, but I have to cover them with somethin, otherwise I'll be looking at my water heater all day.

I like this so much better than the 55g. I'm geeked.
Here's a wider shot before I put all the trim in place.


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That looks very clean right there! Some people on project5k's 210 in wall thread suggested a heavy black curtain or a floating wall behind the tank. So you could still see in from the other side if needed during maintenance or searching for a lost fish.
Not a bad idea. I may be able to manufacture some sort of crazy curtain rod for all 3 sides so that I cna simply slide it back and forth. I may have to stop by JoAnn Fabrics tomorrow on the way home. Thanks agian Rwynn.
I may be able to take some 1/2" or smaller conduit and bend it right into place. That way once I secure it to the wall, I won't need any additional support and it would be solid enough to hold a heavy curtain. I just happen to have a pipe bender in my van...hmmmm.