the 210 gallon in wall project

Re: the 180 OR 210 gallon in wall project

yea Ted could get there MUCH faster than i could... he's just a few min away, and i'm almost an hour away, depending on weather and traffic...

dang i was hoping to land that deal...
Re: the 180 OR 210 gallon in wall project

Check the back of your truck................I'm sure it will turn up!:mrgreen:
I wish, if I could have found a place to put it in my house it would have already been a build thread on here a week ago. :grumble:
Re: the 180 OR 210 gallon in wall project

yea i wish too.. that would be super awesome if something like a good usable 180 or bigger ended up in the back of my truck and i didnt have to pay for it.. hehehe

so, once i'm all done with this, and i have my empty 75 and the stand i got with it and the stand i built.. how much do ya'll recon i can get for em if i sell em? considering that the 240 was 200, i'm thinking either something was wrong with it, or i'm not gonna get much for my 75...
Re: the 180 OR 210 gallon in wall project

Good question Project. Take a look at Craigslist and see about what they are going for and set a price based on that. I wouldn't think 200 would be un-reasonable for that depending upon what all is included with the tank itself.
Re: the 180 OR 210 gallon in wall project

yea, i'm thinking the tank, both stands, overflow, yea, thats probably about it, unless someone were to offer me something for my sump and fuge, tho, i was kinda sorta thinking about holding on to them, but if it makes me enough $, i'm really not gonna be using them, so they could go...

oh yea, and i have a rena filstar xp3 that can go with it as well..
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Re: the 180 OR 210 gallon in wall project

ok, just came down out of the attic, checking the walls that i'm gonna be modifying to make sure that they are non load bearing, and they are not, so i'm good to go... woohoo!
Re: the 180 OR 210 gallon in wall project

Sorry it took me so long to post these pics for you. I had teenager drama.....

Anyway I took a couple different shots, not sure if these will help you much because yours is going to be open in the room.

I need to find another picture for you it must be on my other computer its a 210 gallon built in that my husband did for a client, this one is picture framed in the living room and sits on a stand in the office, this might be more what you would like to do because it will be in your cave :)

Hope this helps


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Re: the 180 OR 210 gallon in wall project

ok, i see whats going on there, could i ask for a couple from the front as well? perhaps even one closeup of the interface of the front of the tank and the wall, is there like trim boards or what? is the tank sitting behind the surface of the wall or is it flush?
Re: the 180 OR 210 gallon in wall project

ok, working out the details of the stand and materials... here's what i've ended up with for a stand, real simple, 2x6 construction, doubled glued and screwed members, and then the verticle legs will sit under the top frame and be held in place with thoes T bracket things... and then i'll add some diagonal bracing after i see where the wall studs are and where the drain lines are comming out of the tank...

i'll cover the top with 3/4 plywood, but i still havent heard any opinions on putting anything between the bottom glass of the tank and the plywood top of the stand, i mean, if not that pink sheet stuff then anything else, packing peanuts, nothing? what?


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Re: the 180 OR 210 gallon in wall project

ok, so here is where the work actually begins... we started cleaning out the 2 rooms, made the final markings on the wall, and finally came to a decision about how high to make the new tank... we simulated sitting on a couch, we measured, we figured, we discussed, we re measured, we marked on the wall, then we went and took a break, came back and it still looked right to us.. so, final position has been decided...

as you can see in the picture below, the red tape on the bottom is the bottom of the tank, and then the blue and red tape marks up the wall are the tops of what would be a 180 and a 210 respectively...

we finally ended up with the bottom of the tank 30 inches off the floor... I'm not thrilled about it being that low, cause it means that if you want to walk up to the tank and look in you have to bend down, but cause its in what will become the living room after all this remodeling is done.... then its at a good height for looking at it from a seated position, where is where i spend most of my time anyway...

really the only thing i'm waiting on now is to find out some information from my LFS guy that will make the final decision on weather i get a 210 r a 180....


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Re: the 180 OR 210 gallon in wall project

I like that you visually mapped it out! The 30 inch from the floor height will make it a lot easier to clean it and move things around!
Re: the 180 OR 210 gallon in wall project

yea that is true, we discussed lots of ideas and what-not about where to mount it... and one thing that we figured out last night was that my original plan for a sump may not work with the tank lowered like it is now... so, i may just have to put my sump off to the side of the tank, no problem, i have an entire room! heheheh

but your right, having it lower will make working on it easier than how high the 75 is now... i mean i love that its up high, cause of where it is in the house, the only time your looking at it is when your standing, so having it up high made sence... i dunno, i guess its just my typical male fear of comitment, starting the hole in the wall that is...hehehe

yea, the sooner she gets outta the bed, the sooner i can start making noise...
Re: the 180 OR 210 gallon in wall project

so, the room is cleared, and demo has started...

heres the proof.


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Re: the 180 OR 210 gallon in wall project

ok, i'm whupped, time to call it a day... heres the last of the pictures from today... just got back from the home depot getting 2x4's and 2x6's and sheetrock...


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Re: the 180 OR 210 gallon in wall project

Looks like it was fun tearing all that out. Did I miss it somewhere? What size tank are you going with?
Re: the 180 OR 210 gallon in wall project

still dont actually know, its either a 180 or a 210, depending on what kinda deal i can swing with my lfs guy... there are things in the works..

yea, i guess it was a little fun, tearing into a wall, but then there was all the cleaning up afterwards... but, its all for a purpose... tomorrow, i'll finish the demo, and start in on framing in that wall, and then i can start on the stand itself...

then, monday, when i talk to my LFS guy, i'll find out which tank it is, and go from there...
Re: the 180 OR 210 gallon in wall project

Why is it that the cleaning up aint near as much fun as the rippin out? :mrgreen:

Project,Have you thought about running a few extra circuits that would be dedicated to the tank?