New Addition to the (overstocked) tank!!!


Reefing newb
Here is the new ornate wrasse i picked up today. overstocked til the 180 comes in 2 weeks so it looks like a water change every 4 days is in order. I couldnt pass on him. i have been waiting for a good one forever . anyway.... her he is adjusting to the temp.


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I love those wrasses. great fish! hopefully everything goes smoothly with the tank upgrade.

Thanks, i hope it does too. Workin on building the 75 gal refugium now. just about done. I just released the fish to the tank. hes buried in the sand already. I guess my pep shrimp will live another day.:bounce:
Very nice addition. You should be OK for a couple of weeks.

I hope so... I will be keeping an eye on my nitrates. yellow tang and brown tang (both small), mated pair of clowns, flame angel,watchmen goby, six line wrasse, ornate wrasse, and 4 pep shrimp (til the ornate get them). All in a 72 bow with a 30 gal fuge. 130-150 lbs of live rock (fiji/tonga)Cant wait to go bigger!!!:sfish::sfish::sfish::bounce:
Beautiful, simply beautiful. I love those fish.

I can't wait to see your 180 setup too. you should write an article about your experiences transferring the animals. I will be upgrading my tank in about a year, and would be happy to hear how your move goes.