Rcpilot - 29g Frag Tank

I could take the tank water to the LFS and ask them to test it. The tank water was from my RO/DI unit, so it wasn't putting any copper in the tank when I filled it. If there's copper in the tank, it's from the tank.

It's just pumping for now. I haven't touched it a whole lot today. Lost less than a quart of water out of the sump in 24hrs.

I'm thinking about taking the existing 10g frag tank and turning it into the refugium. I could stick it under the stand, but on top of the 20L sump. The 10g would be higher than the 20L , so I could drill a hole in the side of it and let it drain into the sump. This way, I could remove the baffle on the right side of the 20L sump where the refugium is supposed to go. That would almost double the size of my sump.

I have another 1.5" bulkhead. If I cut my drain line under the table and add another Tee up higher, I could drain a 3/4 line right into the top of the 10g tank. Pop a bulk head in it, up high, and let it overflow right into the sump.


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I like the new idea. If you have the parts already then go for it. Wont cost anymore so why not. :bounce:
Great idea RC!!

I would honestly just be afraid of all the different things going on under your stand, at first. I would have to be sitting there and watching it ALL day!! So I would just say be careful, and "don't over complicate things"

Lookin great RC, congrats. Lemme know what frags you got up for sale soon :mrgreen:
Oh, I'm sure it's been done a hundred times already. :mrgreen:

Won't work the way I planned. The 10g tank won't fit under my stand. I even measured the 5.5g tank and it will just barely fit.

I could add on to the left side of the stand and put a shelf in there for the 10g tank, but it's more work and expense. I'd have to add like 16" to the left side of the stand. I've decided to just run it like I built it and see how it goes.
what if you drill and link a couple of the 2.5 gal tanks together... i'm actually considering it on mine just to make things easier to work on... cause the 10 i have in there now for a fuge is really kinda in the way
I could stuff the 5.5g tank in there. I'd have to put a few cross pieces of lumber in there and make a platform for the 5.5g tank to sit on. But that puts the top of the 5.5g tank right up under the bottom of the 3/4" plywood deck that supports the 29g frag tank. It puts the bottom of the 5.5g tank right on top of the 20L sump. It would be supported with wood so the 20L wouldn't see the weight of it sitting on top. But that puts the top of the 5.5g tank right up under the top deck. Basically, not much access to the 5.5g tank. I could cut another hole in the 3/4" plywood deck and drain right into the top of the 5.5g tank that way.

It's possible, but it'll be really tight.

Video cut off at the end. I currently have just over 4g sump. With the refugium baffle removed, it would be almost 7.5g. Pardon me stumbling over my words. I'm not a very good public speaker and I certainly ain't Stephen Spielberg.

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Screw it!!

Refugium baffle comes out. That will amost double the size of my sump. I'm putting the HOB refugium from the 10g tank on there anyway. Forgot I was doing that. So there's my cheato, DSB and skimmer. The intake pump for the HOB refugium will sit in the sump. The outlet pipe will discharge into the skimmer section of the sump. That way any micro bubbles coming out of the refugium will get caught in the skimmer section or trapped in the baffles before they get to the sump.

There's no bioload here. One fish and a bunch of frags. I'm sure the frags put out some bioload when they are cut and healing. I'll have some losses too, so there will be some rotting polyps in there from time to time. But I think the HOB refugium will do the job. If it don't, I got another one. I'll just hang it on the other side!!

I don't have a "real" skimmer yet. One of these days......... but for now the one in the HOB refugium will have to do.
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Got the copper test kit. No copper. :bounce:

I had 1/2 bucket of Kent salt left over from a previous purchase. Dumped a bunch of salt in and got the hydrometer up to 1.020 but my sump is a little overfull. I'll let the sump evaporate down about 1/2g and that will probably bump my readings to 1.022.

I tossed a couple pieces of live rock in there from the 10g tank.

Found an old 50w glass heater (non-submersible) and slapped it on the refugium. Temp is 75F.


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Added some more live rock from the 10g tank. Some of if has algae on it. Hoping the dark sump will kill it off. Maybe 5lbs of rock in there now.

I dropped a cube of frozen food in the tank to start the cycle. Looks a little cloudy. Found the sponge for the Mag 7 intake.


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