Teds fowlr to reef

well when I got the clown goby for the nano build I went ahead and got a dragon goby (Amblygobius phalaena) for this tank. I would post a pic but he has been hiding in the rock so maybe tomorrow. I am hoping he will keep the sand stirred up.
I would like to see darker skimmate then that. :)
well I adjusted and modified my pump a little on my skimmer does this look better.


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still no pics of the dragon goby. He has only come out where I could see him a couple of times and by the time I could try to take a pic he was hiding again. :grumble:
yea thats like my mandrin dragonette, he hides most of the time too.. but every once in a while i get a decent pic... just gotta stick with it...
ok finally got a pic of the dragon goby. Its a :pooh: pic had to use the zoom feature on my camera phone but at least its something.


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he is in the apex of the three rocks. Every time I watch the tank when he comes out of hiding if I move he hides again. I have sat next to the tank for a hour with the camera phone in the same spot trying to get a pic and he pokes out and goes right back in to the rocks. :grumble: I think he is laughing at me. I need a camera with a telephoto lens so I can be across the room and get his picture. :frustrat:
he is coming out of the rocks more. Still cant get a decent pic of him though hides if I have a camera. He seems to enjoy the gut loaded brine shrimp I have been feeding. I am so happy I can actually see him eat something now. I was getting kinda worried that he wasnt eating anything. This is what I have been feeding him pretty much the only thing I can get him to eat. Do you think it will be ok if this is all he eats?


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I'm sure he'll be fine however BrineShrimp is pretty usless nutritionally. I would think it's eating copepods and other stuff off your LR
I would see if you can get him to eat mysis its better nutrition for him. sometimes its difficult to get dragon gobies to eat prepared foods. they prefer pods that's why they sift the sand.
well he sifts sand, picks rock and really seems to like the brine shrimp.I will try some mysis shrimp. I know I have amhipods and I seeded the fuge with tiger pods so I think I have them also.(just cant see them) He seems kinda fat and happy. He looks more filled out now then when I bought him. Just to be sure I will get another bottle of tiger pods and seed the main tank but that will have to wait until the weekend. :D
yea, at least yours eats something you put in the tank, mine wont touch anything i add to the tank.. but he's been alive in my house for 6 months now, and hes kinda fat lookn, so he must be find'n something to nibble on.
Well have been neglecting my main tank because of the nano build. I just went in and did a aiptasia wipe out. I found 15 of those f%&$ing things. I moved around some rock to see if I was getting them all and found one huge one I couldnt see. I guess he has been the daddy. Thing was bigger the a half dollar piece and four inches long. Anyway all that I could find got nuked.