Teds fowlr to reef

Well got my new light in today it a 150 watt mh with a 14k bulb and 2 18 watt attinics heres the before and after pics. Im gonna need to figure out a way to hang the new fixture from the ceiling. Cant really tell cause all I have is my camera phone but its a lot brighter.


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Ok I really need some more rock. I was thinking of going with base rock. Does any one on here know if Texas Holey Rock will be ok. :D
well here is a few new pic of my tank. Nothing is new just wanted to show how nice and clear everything is. I was going to make my first coral purchase this week but had to spend $400 on a new hot water heater :frustrat:so now I have to wait a few more weeks.


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so is this enough rock? Just about doubled what I had.


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I figure about 100 lbs now. This last 50 was base rock or "dead rock" But I think I have enough to seed it up.
ok with the new lights I am noticing a temp swing. This morning the tank was 76 now when I got home its 80. Thats a 4 degree swing is that to much? My wife brought up a good point if I run a heater and keep the night temp to 78 then the day temp will be higher also because it will start at a higher temp and climb from there. However I did forget to turn on the fan that points at the lights before I went to work so maybe that would make a difference. Guess I need to find a way to get that on the timer with the mh. What do yall think? I dont have corals yet (dang hot water heater got my money) but I will in the next two weeks or so.
+1 rdang

Also, the water might or moght not get higher than 80 degrees if you keep the night temp at 78. Once the temp gets above the set point of the heater, it will shut off. 80 might be as hot as your lights can make the tank with what ever your room temp is at (say 76 because that is how cool you tank got over night) The lights might only be able to raise the tank temp 4 degrees above room temp. So even if you have the heater at 78 when the lights kick on, it will only get up to 80 because all the rest of the heat is lost into the room.

Im so excited I had to tell some one who would understand. My nitrates are zero!!!!!! This is the first time guess the hob fuge and cheato is working. Also wife just called there is a new lfs that just opened about 5 minutes from my house. Its a store front and a web seller heres the link if anyone is interested. Reefs2u.com Im gonna check out the store tomorrow the site is still under construction but looks pretty cool from what I can see. Anyway just had to tell people who would understand. :D