Teds fowlr to reef

I went ahead and put the hang on filter from my qt tank on it with a fresh pad maybe help some, think i have another ill hook that one up to.
I think its getting clearer. probably just wish full thinking :grumble: bag said may cloud water for 24 to 48 hours. Right now it looks like watered down milk.
Thanks for the reassurance. :D so i guess changing to sand is gonna start another cycle huh?
depends on how much organic matter got kicked up when you pulled out the crushed coral. plus it doesnt look like you have an over abundance of live rock. more "runis" than real rock i would say. i would say filtration would be sub par thus possibly doing a mini cycle. chromis are tough though lets hope they are just fine.
Ya I want more lr have between 40 and 50 pounds however my wife bought that dang coliseum for a present a while back. If I say anything about ditching it she gets bitchy. :frustrat:
well its getting better. This shot was with the tank light on. Now it kinda looks like smoke.


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Well got home from work and tank had settled. :D However didnt like how the rock was piled along one side.(had to move it when there was no visibility) So i rearranged live rock. now i have milk again. :frustrat: So I got every mechanical filter i have and have it on the tank now gonna get this :pooh: out of the water. Guess it kinda looks like over kill huh?


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just for the record, live sand out of a bag is a waste of money. if you think about it.... what are the odds that something sealed into a bag (i realize they claim the bags can breath...), thrown into boxes with no sort of temperature regulation, and shipped to and fro and placed on shelves just like dry good will actually survive and be alive when you cut the bag open to dump it into your tank. (long sentence.)

the only sand that is ACTUALLY live is the sand you scoop out of a well established system and put directly into your tank. let's say you bought this from a pet store.... then all you're buying is another guy's funky tank contaminants and some sand they got on the cheap when someone broke down their tank.

my advice would be to always buy the dead lifeless sand, rinse thoroughly until the water from the bucket runs crystal clear, and then add. all sand will eventually become live sand, so just give it some time. Adding stuff to your tank is kind of like having unprotected sex... you don't know where that sand's been, it could have funky things ;)

i'm rambling... just felt like posting my thoughts on sand. good work on ditching the CC!
Ya I want more lr have between 40 and 50 pounds however my wife bought that dang coliseum for a present a while back. If I say anything about ditching it she gets bitchy. :frustrat:

Just work into the rock.It wont be that bad and might actually look good when the coraline starts growing on it.

Well got home from work and tank had settled. :D However didnt like how the rock was piled along one side.(had to move it when there was no visibility) So i rearranged live rock. now i have milk again. :frustrat: So I got every mechanical filter i have and have it on the tank now gonna get this :pooh: out of the water. Guess it kinda looks like over kill huh?

NA.Not when your trying to clear things up so you can do aquascaping:D

just for the record, live sand out of a bag is a waste of money. if you think about it.... what are the odds that something sealed into a bag (i realize they claim the bags can breath...), thrown into boxes with no sort of temperature regulation, and shipped to and fro and placed on shelves just like dry good will actually survive and be alive when you cut the bag open to dump it into your tank. (long sentence.)

the only sand that is ACTUALLY live is the sand you scoop out of a well established system and put directly into your tank. let's say you bought this from a pet store.... then all you're buying is another guy's funky tank contaminants and some sand they got on the cheap when someone broke down their tank.

my advice would be to always buy the dead lifeless sand, rinse thoroughly until the water from the bucket runs crystal clear, and then add. all sand will eventually become live sand, so just give it some time. Adding stuff to your tank is kind of like having unprotected sex... you don't know where that sand's been, it could have funky things ;)

i'm rambling... just felt like posting my thoughts on sand. good work on ditching the CC!

Thats my thoughts too.
Just hadnt compared it to unprotected sex though:mrgreen:
Ya I want more lr have between 40 and 50 pounds however my wife bought that dang coliseum for a present a while back. If I say anything about ditching it she gets bitchy. :frustrat:

Couldn't you explain to her you have to remove because it's leaching chemicals from the paint and finish they put on it?
Couldn't you explain to her you have to remove because it's leaching chemicals from the paint and finish they put on it?
unfortunately it isnt painted and she bought it at a lfs. Im trying to just work it into the look of the tank. Once its totaly encrusted in coraline it will be ok. Its starting to get alot of purple spots on it now. Gives the fish a place to hide I guess. Well the tank has settled everything is still alive so not so bad. I went ahead and took off the bak pak2 skimmer replaced it with a hob fuge. Got some cheto and seeded it with tiger pods. Next step is gonna be a light upgrade. I think I'm gonna skip the trip to see Bob Fenner use the money on my tanks instead. The nano build is right around the corner need to get new light for this one so I can use this light on the 10 gal. :D
ok just a update the tank is clear heres a pic of a new member of the cuc. Not sure where he came from he looks like a baby mexican turbo. Whats werid is I only have one mexican turbo. So who knows, he hauls ass like the big one. This one is about the size of this smily face.:D Looks just like the big one. Maybe he came in the chetao I bought but thats in the hob fuge. No matter just something interesting since I dont have all the fun stuff yall do......Yet


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another update. Getting a diatom bloom on new sand. Kinda expected it but nice and clear in the tank.


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Ok i got the wave maker from jhnrb. So I went to the lfs to ask for recommendations on two power heads. The owner of the shop said two Korlia 3. I have been told to not use that type of ph because the unit is a start stop unit and they would burn out really fast. So I know I dont know much about power heads but what would yall use. I saw a post on the net that MJ's and aquaclears do ok on start stop wave makers. The unit is a pulse-it if you dont remember the post. Thanks in advance yall.
Ted,Go with the Koralia 5s.
There supposed to be made for wave makers.I know the K4s and smaller will make a lots of rattling racket when they start up,and it'll eventually beat em apart.