Frogspawn placement?


Reefing newb
Still consider myself a newbie and don't know where to place my frogspawn I just got today. From previous posts I searched on here everyone says too much flow is bad for it and moderate to high light.

I have T5H0s on my 55 gallon tank, is this enough light? Im afraid putting it on the bottom sandbed would be too low but if i put it a little less then halfway up the tank on a rock I feel that the flow would be to strong. I have a SEIO 1000 powerhead on the other end of the tank...should I be good leaving it halfway up my tank stuffed intbetween a rock? Im hoping my clown might take to it, I hope it survives!

Edit- WHen I wedged the frog inbetween my rocks I noticed one of the two heads on it might be too close to the rock. Is this unhealthy for it? Do they need to be able to sway in the water without hitting anything? In the pictures below it is the left head..It has been in my tank for only 45 minutes and it is fullblown and looking healthy!
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The head that is behind the front one is the one im worried about...


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Yea, it seems to be doing fine (from observing it the whole 2 hours it's been in tank). I am just concerned that it doesn't have enough room/space around it, the bubbles are touching my rock. What do you think odds are my clown will go into it?

On a side note I think my clown is retarded. It stays in one spot in my tank and just swims in place and doesn't wander around the tank/rocks/etc. When i am getting dirty with my hands in the tank he does however come right up to me and swims in my hands and pokes at

Frogspawn is a very easy coral to take care of. Once it's established, it will grow like a weed. My buddy brought over a two-headed frag of it that was dying in his tank. I put it in mine and six months later, it's now 6 heads and HUGE.

Make sure you place it in a fashion that the heads can be extended upwards. Mine are growing too fast and smashing against the glass (time to frag again!)

My frogspawn is in my 30g tank, on the bottom (for the first month, I had it in the sand, then moved to the lower rockwork). It gets minimal flow. My two clowns have been hosting it for a while now.

Here's a pic of the head(s) from the original 2-headed which I fragged that I just took a minute ago.

50/50 on your clown hosting it, just cause its in there doesnt mean it will host it. my frogspawn is touching my rocks also, its has 10 heads.
Ok, looks like im good to go.

Messiah, thats a nice looking frogspawn and it's nice how your clowns took to it. I think it is getting a little more flow then it should but i'll leave it for a week or 2 and see what's going on with it after that. I gotta say, this is my favorite thing in my tank so far.
Nice addition Always. I would suggest super glueing the stock of your FS to a piece of rock or rubble so it can be up and away from any obstruction. It will open up much more or become fuller that way. Your clown is also more likely to host it if is up where it can swim underneath it sometimes too.
I'm confused. You don't want your clowns hosting frogspawn. That'll kill it! LPS corals are much more sensitive than anemones, and although lots of times clowns will host them, the clown ends up irritating the coral so much that it kicks the bucket. My clowns have tried to host probably about a dozen different LPS corals in my tank, and eventually ended up killing them all. Frogspawn, hammer, torch, goniopora, alveopora, short tentacled plates, long tentacled plates... All of them beaten to death by a pair of clowns.

The only non-anemones that seem to be tough enough to hold up to clowns messing around in them are toadstool leathers and hairy mushrooms.
True Biff-I had a small clown which made it's home under the over hanging FS coral. Wasn't truly a host. He didn't have an orgasmic experience with it like my pair does with the anemone.