what kind of anemones is this?


Reef enthusiast
i just bought 100lbs live rock and had lots of hitch hikers.. including 2 anemones. someone told me there are some bad anemones.. curious what ones are bad? and can anyone identify what mine is.


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They are majano anemones.They spread fast and sting,irritate corals.

There are several methods to kill them.Remove the rock and pour boiling water.Joe's Juice is a product you feed to them.You can also remove the rock and smear kalk paste on them.Do it now before they get out of hand.
heres a few more pics of one in my hand. i found 3 so far. i put two of them into my sump. 1 is in my tank that i found last night.


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Those don't look like majanos to me. They almost look like some sort of frilly mushroom or ricordea. Can you google "frilly mushroom" and "ricordea" and see if those match?
all 3 of them are the same pics just didnt come out good of the one in the tank. i know they are anenomes. just tryin to figure out what there names?
Looks like these "ROCK ANEMONES".
Similar banding, corkscrew pattern in the tentacles.

From what I read, they are close relatives to the aiptasia family.
