a naked nass snail!


aspiring reefer
help! my nass snail losed his shell! (i think?)
what do i do? will he be ok?


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I could be wrong, wouldn't be the first time, but that doesn't look like a stometella snail to me. It's too white and all the stometellas I've seen you can easily notice it's "snout" and two antenna.
Someone posted a long time ago... Like years ago, that their snail had lost its shell. No one believed him, not me, not anyone else. Because the shell is part of the snail's body. It's attached, and grows with it. Sure enough, his snail did indeed lose its shell, wandered around for a few days, then died. It is weird, but I believe you!
Are there antenna and a "snail like" mouth. If so, I'd have to say that it IS a stometella snail. If not, then I have NO idea.

I "poked" my stomella snail tonight while it was on the glass and it retracted it's mouth and antennae into somewhere and looked just like the pic posted. I tried to snag a pic of it but those things move incredibly fast when you start poking them lol.