Feature Requests - Suggestions Needed


As we start to put an end to 2023 and prepare to 2024, which will be my first year running this site, I wanted to reach out to all of the members here to find out about some things you'd like to see added to the site.

I already have a few things in mind that I'll be working on getting added ASAP but, knowing this site is nothing without the members, I'd like to hear what y'all think too. I'll have more to share about the new features that I'll be working on in some future posts, once things get closer to ready to put out to the members. Until then, let's hear what y'all think!

Please keep in mind, while I can't guarantee every suggestion will be implemented, I can guarantee they'll all at least be considered. Also, no suggestion is too big or too small! If I never think of something, and nobody ever mentions it, it's definitely never going to happen.