Zybers project

Thank god.

glad you and waddi are going to work through this:Cheers:

as for today I have the sump near ready for it's trial run.
I'm going quite simple on the plumbing and will see how this works out. So far here is what I have.



I should have the overflow by Friday. At this point I will seal the pipes and fill up the sump kick it on and see if it works. The pump says it can pump 1800gph at 22'. I've only used 11 1/2' and with the elbows I'm hoping that extra will make up for the banks in the pipe. here's to hoping I can maintain 1200gph as I was told by my lfs. Also I will admit I'm a bit nervous about doing this my fear is water every where. This is my first sump as it is i so vary much hope it works.
Well I have the sump ready to go. I'm just waiting on the over flow. I've made the decision to let the sump cycle before I hook it up as it will replace all my water i just want to be safe rather than sorry. I think I will be putting the water from my changes in to the sump starting with fridays. Then in two weeks do it again I can wait a month to have it fully hooked up lol

yeah same here just cant wait for the new light and the sump to be all set up and running with my corals happy and fish friends happy. working on getting some magic mud doe the sump that or i will just go with some sand not sure yet I'm also going to work up a small order from TBS as a splurge to myself :D
Good morning Reefers I need all your help on something.

Now that I have the sump running and will be setting it up as a refugium what kind of critter should I have in there? The same as my main tank or should I do something different. I'm going to have a bit of sand and live rock in there with a bit of macro. Other than this just a mix of snails? Would a brittle or serpent star be good for the chamber? Or is there something better though it will mostly be macro in there.
Another questions since we're on that topic. Why not just leave it bare bottom? That way you can siphon out the gunk or have a few snails to help keep it clean? I'm don't think that lil bit of sand will do much for ya?
ok so I will be doing my water change today and sucking out all the gunk from my rocks and from my refugium full on tank clean and i will be moving my big rock to the sump. I'm also going to run a full spectrum of tests on the sump water.

One thing that just hit me is that once I have this set up the only pump I'll have in my tank will be the MP-10. This will make the far right corner of the tank open and with out the big rock it will look empty hahaha.... But this make more room for my frag tray so I'm going to have to reset my tank. But I think I will reset the tank then do the water change just to be safe. I cant wait also I'm going to try a D.I.Y. overflow box if that is a bust them it will be the buy one option.
I like your sump setup. Very clean looking.

What kind of heater do you use? I want one that doesn't have to be completely submerged.
I like your sump setup. Very clean looking.

What kind of heater do you use? I want one that doesn't have to be completely submerged.

My heater is by Deep Blue yeah the package when I got it said it did not have to be so I'm going to run with that.:Cheers:

As for my sump it's not done yet. I have all my rock yet to add then once my sump is cycled my macro :D fallowed by hooking it up and see how this baby works.
Well Im quite excited by the end of next week my sump will be all set up just placed an order with John of reefcleaners.org for some macro, mangroves and pods. upgrading my salt as well I feel the IO salt sucks and I was much better off with kent. Well next month is the anniversery of my clowns they will be 3 and the pencil urcin will be 4 :D they are the oldest out of my tank other than some of my corals. Such as my vary first green spoted shroom and my kenya. Any who thanks for all the help over the years from the start of my reef here to now. you all have tought me so much about having a reef tank again tank you a huge tanks to Yote, Hannah, Erin, Biff and Wade for all the pm help and insight. I cant wait to see what happends with my tank with the new setup :D
Well I just glued most of my pipe now just waiting on my brs order and the overflow. Then its get myself new lights and I'll be set. I just can't believe how well my Kenya and gloves have done on the light I'm using. The same for my tooth coral hammer and zoa. Hell my whole tank looks much better everthing looks really happy.
Took this photo @ 0600 things are still a bit unhappy with the rearranging of the left side of my tank I actually like it better this way LOL.