Yotes going hunting.

lol..that pic is so hylarious..i just woke up and saw it..what a way to start my day..many tanks yote..im really considering a visit..i need to spare some time in the wilderness!! lol
Just thought I would give a little update on my latest mantis shrimp hunting adventure.

I now have 1 very unhappy mantis shrimp living in my 30.Pics will be forth coming,as soon as I can coax him out of his rock long enough to snap one.

He looks to be around 1 1/2" long.

Tomorrow evening i'm going to drop his rock in a bucket of super salinity water to run his little green hind end out for a picture.

Whats y'alls vote?

Banish him to pushing grass in the front yard?


Keep him in the 30?
if you really want to keep it...go for it..they are amazing predators..are you gonna keep it in the sump or 30??..they grow fast..and has an voracious appetite..
yote?? yote??..we have not heard from you..i hope the hunter hasnt become the prey..you never know with those mantis!!
yote?? yote??..we have not heard from you..i hope the hunter hasnt become the prey..you never know with those mantis!!

Rigo my friend.
You ought to know better than that.:mrgreen:
The little mantis is just sitting there in his little hole,nothing but his beady little eyes poking out.
Ive been trying to coax him out with some food,but he just runs out,grabs the food,and runs back in.Its actually cool to see him do that.Ive been hand feeding him too.:mrgreen:He actually run across my hand earlier this morning.
He might just tame down pretty good.
Of course I aint told the wife yet,that lil manti just might decide he like horse meat.
The wifes seahorse is in the 30 to.
lol..good to hear that yote..mantis are amazing..i feel bad somtimes for the many of them ive killed..post a pic of the hand feeding..ill be awsome to see..
I'm going to try to get a video of it later.Its amazing just how fast those things are.
Think i'm going to pick up a few small hermits this weekend,just so he'll have something to hunt.