Yellow Tang Substitute

Ergh, I hope they don't sell the clown soon. They're quite popular... I guess it would be best to get the clown first or do the anglers not care if a fish comes in before or after?
Ergh, I hope they don't sell the clown soon. They're quite popular... I guess it would be best to get the clown first or do the anglers not care if a fish comes in before or after?
Nah,they could care less,,they are not territorial .....well,only to other anglers
Is there anything I should do? I've heard live food is a bad idea because it teaches them that the other tank mates are food...
Live food for the eel?
Mine never ate anything but frozen and ate at least three tank mates. I don't think they're that stupid. If it can fit and they can catch it, I think they'll eat it.
little_fish said:
Yep. he will come around. But dont be surprised if it takes him a month or more.

Well that will give me some time to get some more rocks and equipment (and money), and for someone to buy the clown... :grumble:
Thats my angler .......they don't look like that for long,,mine went from this to this in 5 months.....

Yes,set up the tub and QT in that..


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Thats my angler .......they don't look like that for long,,mine went from this to this in 5 months.....

Yes,set up the tub and QT in that..

Wow, cool looking fish. Is it necessary to quarantine all new fish? And what would I use to oxygenate the water? Would I need a lid. It seems a little strange the idea of leaving a fish in a tub for a month...
Thanks,she's a really cool fish!
Personally ,i QT every new fish .....just use an HOB an aquaclear 20,or a penguin 150,,,do you have any laying around?...i use a small powerhead too,but don't think its necessary ....Why's it strange ,to me its a lot better than being crammed in a 12x12 inch cube at pet-co for a month (with other fish)...i don't use a lid...the only problem i see you having is not having any sort of media to put in your HOB..i always had some sort of floss or sponge in my sump/fuge to could probably use LR,but hypo will kill it