Yellow Tang Looking Sick

+1 David
Your salinity does need to be a little higher for inverts.1.025-1.026 is perfect for them.
Just do like David suggested and top off with salt water until you've got it there.That way your not bringing it up to fast.
I've been buying salt water from my lfs which they get it directly from the ocean. Do you think thats better or should I do my own mix. By using ocean water am I missing anything and should I test for anything extra?
I believe it would be much safer to mix your own. There could be some contaminates in the water they're collecting unless they go a long distance out into the ocean to get it.
They actually charge me the same as RO water .50 per gallon so its pretty cheap. Thats why I have been using their water. I save my self the hassle of mixing and measuring. Since I'm in Miami, Fl I guess its cheaper here to get ocean water.
I would never use ocean water. Its dirty. If you make your water you know for sure what is going into your tank. Also, ive noticed most LFS water is lower in salinity than most people prefer.