Will it ever be the same again?!?!?!

+1 mng

Unless you had about 40 lbs of carbon running at high pressures, there's still bleach in your rock. It will keep leaching out and keep building up, so keep on top of the water changes. Even if you had that much carbon, there's still bleach there. It's just a question of whether or not it will leach out slowly, in small concentrations, or accumulate so fast that everything dies. I hope your luck holds, though.
+1 mng

Unless you had about 40 lbs of carbon running at high pressures, there's still bleach in your rock. It will keep leaching out and keep building up, so keep on top of the water changes. Even if you had that much carbon, there's still bleach there. It's just a question of whether or not it will leach out slowly, in small concentrations, or accumulate so fast that everything dies. I hope your luck holds, though.
It's a beautiful thing having a resident chemist! I don't know why we didn't get one ages ago :D
At least the fish will be clean and bright! :bounce:
You're a funny guy D!