which light??


Reefing newb
Looking for some opinions as to which light I should purchase for a 20g long I am on a budget for this so.... here are the two that I am trying to choose from. I know I should and will be changing out the bulbs within probably three to six months as the bulbs that come with these fixtures are not the best. Odyssea T5 High Output Lighting

and fixture number two http://shop.aquatraders.com/Odyssea-Metal-Halide-Pendant-150W-with-T5-p/54241.htm

Tank is 30" long 12" wide and 12" high

thanks for the comments
Either will work fine.

I would stick with LPS and soft corals if you decide on the T5 fixture.All corals and clams with the MH fixture.You may or may not have heat issues with the MH fixture so keep that in mine.
Either will work fine.

I would stick with LPS and soft corals if you decide on the T5 fixture.All corals and clams with the MH fixture.You may or may not have heat issues with the MH fixture so keep that in mine.

I would disagree. I have t5HO over my 29 gallon, and have a clam that is thriving. I would say if the t5's have individual reflectors, they will work for almost anything. Especially in such a shallow tank as a 20 long.