Where do you get your Live Rock?

about 2 -4 weeks keep a floresent if you have one all day and night

That'd cause a heck of an algae bloom.

Every tank is different.Any where from 3 or 4 weeks to a couple of months.
Its the bacteria that makes it live rock.But how long it actually takes to look like live rock with coraline will depend on how well you keep your calcium and alkalinity up.
Hey I just noticed something else. I THINK its' good and healthy, but just to be sure, there's some stuff spreading around in my tank. I think it's bacteria from my LR... My LR is mostly a rusty orange color with a few green, purple and red blooms coming around, but anyway, I noticed my crushed coral is turning that same rusty orange color as if it's spreading from my LR on my crushed coral. Is that a good or bad thing? Is my crushed coral becoming live coral?
Sounds more like cyno to me.
Which means you have not enough flow,not enough disolved oxygen,or to many nutrients in your water,or all or some of the above.
Sounds like your getting a outbreak of algea which is normal. Have you been testing your tank? How long has it been set up? what do you have for water movement?
while you are cycling your tank, do NOT leave your lights on. The hair algae will be out of control. If you don't have hair algae, you won't need as big a cleaning crew at the start. If you have your lights on, your hair algae will be so out of control, it will take months to get under control.

-Dr Marco :sfish::sfish:
Hmm. Well, for flow, I have a marineland biowheel 350 in a 30 gal tank. My tank has been set up for probably 3 weeks now. no fish. I have one pound of live rock and I turn my light on usually all day, and off at night. My water hasn't been changed yet and my filters haven't been replaced yet since I'm cycling. It's my understanding, that with no fish it's not really necessary to worry about any of those yet, that it will only stunt the ammonia and slow the cycle process. As for testing the water, the only thing I am able to test is the salt level. I don't have test kits for ph, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate. I was gonna hold off on getting those until I was full up on my live rock. I used distilled water to fill the tank. As far as hair algae goes, there's none. I don't see any forms of recognizable algae. just that rust colored stuff on my crushed coral that seems to be manifesting from my live rock, spreading outward away from it, which is also rust colored. Was that way when I bought it. Tank temp is about 76. salt is about 1.025 right now.

should I do a water change (no fish in tank)? filter media change? would that slow down the cycle? you guys are the pros. Whatcha think?
Check to see if its slimy.If it is,then you have cyno bacteria.If not slimy,then probably diatoms.

Other than that,Its hard to say with out test results.
It sounds like diatoms to me.
if you are going to add more rock in the next few days, then hold off on a waterchange. it's more than likely going to start another cycle.
Hmm. no slime. i pulled out a few small pieces of the CC and felt it. No slime. Matter of fact, I can't scrape the rust color off either. It's almost as if my crushed coral is transforming or changing color. weird.
Yep,If it aint slimy,then its probably diatoms.
They'll go away on their own,eventually.
it is all about the cured rock. If you get uncured, cure it outside.

-Dr Marco :sfish: