When it Rains, it Pours!!!

Honestly...I think what happened to you was a wake up call for a lot of us... that said I think when the time is here many will try and help out.

Really glad to see you are making a go again...

I would say I agree to D2mini..... lose the sandbed and start with a new one...or at least take it out and rinse rinse rinse in RO

Dave, just catching back up on this thread. I'm glad to see your tank is on its way back. Sucks you're dealing with all they algae and stuff. Hopefully it clears up soon and then you can start enjoything your tank again. Keep up with it and hang in there and it will pay off once again. My best to you.
Hey sorry about your bomb shelter tank, I can only imagine the anguish you went through. I can't help with corals or anything, I would offer to house your angelfish for the time being but I know how shipping animals can be. If there's anything I can do to help shoot me a pm, and ill help with what I can.
I was on a business trip when this was first posted and I am just now seeing this whole thing. Sorry for you loss. If this happened to me I would have melted down along with my corals.

When something bad happens in life try to take away some lesson so nothing ever needs to be a total loss. In the case only fail safe plumbing is what should be used.
I completely missed this thread as well. I'm so sorry Dcan! What happened is absolutely horrible...

I agree with Darko, though, you hanging in there is pretty inspirational. I wish you the best of luck fighting off the algae and getting your aquarium up and running again.
Losing your tank is a terrible feeling. We had a 125 that just sprung a leak one day and I came home to pretty much the same thing... although my tank was nowhere close to where yours was... (We even had those "bowl" lights in our basement... filled with tank water).
Luckily I had a friend who took ALL my livestock and what survived coral & invert-wise (he still has star polyps of mine... five year later). But we tore the tank down after that. It really truly is amazing that's you're hanging in there like you are. It takes a special kind of person to do that. :)
oh David I'm so sorry about your tank :( I'm glad to see you're still sticking with it and if I had anything to send to you I totally would! We will just have to rebuild together! *hugs* Hows your apple and shrimp doing?
David, I am so sorry this happened to you... but I'm so impressed that you're persevering anyway. I only lost 5 or 6 things when I moved the tank, and that was almost enough to make me quit... you've inspired me not to give up. so thanks. Now I need to go do a waterchange... :D

I'm also having major cyano issues (still/again) so we can suffer that part together... and like so many others, once you're ready for corals, anything fraggable in my tank is available to you.
Hows your apple and shrimp doing?

The Apple and shrimp are doing well in the RSM. I also found a surviving horseshoe crab deep in the sandbed :^: I put him in the RSM too. I addition found some ugly brown polyps that are coming up from the sandbed. It's fitting that the ugliest coral survived. Other than 4-5 hermits that's all that has lived.

Update. The tank is looking better and better. I may be ready to add things before Christmas! :bounce: