Whats Taking So long


I'm that guy
Ive had my live rock curing for about 10 days now and the ammonia still hasnt went away yet. I dont know if its my test kit or what, but its taking forever. How long should it take?
Not the answer I wanted to hear. Im doing the build this week end and I guess ill finish the curing in the tank. Im sure ill do a build thread to show everybody how much I suck at this hobby.
your bio says you have 7 yrs exp in saltwater and you didnt know it takes several months to cycle ... patience is the key in this hobby
Add some Stresszyme or "Special Blend" to speed things up. I've cured rock several times and these bacteria mixtures always made the cure go faster.
I added some when I started. Thats why I was asking how longit would be. Didnt know if i needed to add more to it to make it go faster.