whats next????

so far this is what my tank looks like....:mrgreen: what would be the next thing i would have to do to have a sucessful reef???so far my levels have been okay,ive done my water changes,i have not lost any fish:bounce:....my corals have been doing okay...so has my anenome...is there anything im missing??:question: CIMG0021 (640x480).webp

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Sorry, but BS, you have lost several fish. I believe the most recent one is the eel?

But the tank does look good and i agree, add some shrooms.
i have been looking in to mushrooms...but so far i only have one.i want to add more corals... i have try Xenia and never had any luck with them...does anyone know why...
Xenia grow like crabgrass, most poeple complain they take over. The pulasating ones grow a little slower. I cant imagine why you have no luck with them.
Dang, I need to know where Erin is shopping. I can smile too!

SeaBee: You're right about girls though. Sometimes things are easier just cuz we're cute.
OMG My mom had a cockateil named Rudy! :mrgreen: I can still hear him now Rudy's a pretty bird over and over

LOL Cockatiels are great talkers also! My Rudy has an extensive vocabulary. Thank goodness, only a few mild cuss words. :shock: When he learns something new, he repeats if for weeks, sometimes months. I was on vacation in January and my sister stayed at my house with my pets. That was GREAT except she taught my parrot the Geico ring tone commercial -- you know, the old guy in the restroom, his phone rings and it's like ringity-ding-ding-dingy-dong. It was really funny the first few days but now I wish he would shut up! It's like having a toddler around. You hear them saying something and think "Where did that come from?" Then you realize it's something you say often.