Whats a good live sand?


Reefing newb
Nature's Ocean Bio-Activ Live Aragonite Reef Sand

any good? It seems to be the cheapest I can get my hands on that wont cost me an arm and a leg in shipping to Hawaii. Any other suggestions?
There are a lot of different opinions on live sand, from how can it be live not knowing how long its been packaged to thats the only way to go. Personally I fall in the middle. The bacteria goes dormant for a while and when introduced into the aquarium any die off helps jump start the cycle. HOWEVER it is expensive and adding non live sand is just as good. It will turn into live sand over time as your tank matures. In your case I would go that route. This addiction takes time, lots and lots of time.
I agree, no need to get live sand for the tank the sand will become live anyway so save your money and put it into something you would like in the tank . such as fish or corals.. :D
i went half and half with my sand, seemed to work out ok, but the sands were ever so slightly different colour, and that bothers me just a bit.
+1 everyone...if you have a nice LFS, ask for a cup of sand. That will at least seed your tank and make the cycle go faster.