What U reccommend ( Tank Maintaners )


Reefing newb
Hi All,

Bout to go and get some tank cleaners (snails, shrimp, possibly fish) tommorow as I have finsihed putting all the live rock I want in the tank and water levels are good, I was wondering what everybody reccommends on getting I got a 215 litre tank ( 57 gallons ), I got a far bit of algae growing atm, cause I been putting live rock in there as I can afford it.
Jst wanted a few thoughts to help me in my choices.

Thank All
Heres what I would start with.
3 or 4 certh snails
3 or 4 astera snails
3 or 4 trochus snails
a couple of shrimp,either pepperments or cleaner shrimp
and at least one star.Either a serpent or brittle star.
If you get a Brittle Starfish stay away from the green ones. Most say those are bad news.

For shrimps I'd recommend a couple of peppermints for Aiptasia removal (just in case) and a cleaner skunk shrimp.