What the Heck?


Seahorse Whisperer
So I look over my tanks this morning and 3 of them are extremely cloudy. What's up with that? My horse tank is grayish. The other two are greenish. One of them is so cloudy I can't see anything. The only thing that went into all three is a little flake food last night. How on Earth can 3 separate tanks get cloudy on the same night? More importantly, what do I do about this? I'll go do water tests now. EEEeeeekkkkkkk.

I used my dip strips and everything is in the good range, I'll do the real tests now. I can't find anything dead, my temperature is normal..... The horse tank is gray, the other two are green there is no white to the cloud. I'll take photos after I finish my drip tests. Those take a while to do. Is this dangerous?

Since its hit all 3 tanks at the same time,I'm betting the flakes have gone bad and caused a bacteria bloom.
yea i allways thought as long as you kept it dry it lasted... i've been feeding my fresh water fish outta the same falke food container for a couple years now... never had a problem. but that is fresh, so it might be a different set of circumstances..
This food is a week old! If it is a bloom, what can I do about it? Is it harmful to my critters? I'm going to do a water change, anything else? Thanks!!!!!!!!

where did you buy the food? It could have been on the shelf for a long time. I remember when I worked in a feed store we had to dust the fish food I dont think we ever sold any of it in the year I was there.
I don't think it's the food because I put it in all my tanks and only 3 of them have the problem. I know I haven't contaminated the tanks in any way because I have separate tools for each tank. This is crazy. Totally crazy. Why is one tank muddy and the other two green? I don't use the same supplements and my numbers are good. Nitrate is a little high in one tank but that tank tends to run a little high for some reason. Will this harm my ponies??????

Just before I did the water change in my seahorse tank I noticed that some of the seaweed is turning white. My calurpa is fine but the weed stuff is, well, melting. I did the water change and now there is a light film floating on the water and it's bubbly. I've never had this happen before and I'm so worried for this tank! The other two tanks, the ones that were green, are almost clear after the water change. I wish I knew what the heck is happening! Thanks for your advice.

Did you happen to spray anything in the air lately, while you and your daughter were sick(Lysol, Yote's onion soup, etc.)...the tanks may have been contaminated by an aerosol spray maybe.
Could that seaweed be some type of calurpa?
What ever the seaweed is,I bet its gone asexual and released all the chlorophyll into the water.
Pinch off and toss as much of the stuff as possible and toss it out.Then keep doing water changes every 2 or 3 days until the tank clears up.