What size heater?

that really depends, as it always does with "watts per gallon"

the wattage on a heater really just tells you how far above the ambient temperature it can heat water. So that depends on where you live, the temperature of your house, yada yada yada.

You live in california and are setting up a 180g. Try a 400W heater on a controller. You don't want to boil your water when the internal thermostat breaks, so spend a few bucks extra and get a nice heater with a controller :P
+1 Nathan
The only thing I'd do different,is instead of using one 400 watt heater,I'd use 2X 200 watt heats.That way there less chance of something bad happening if one heater fails.
it does not matter were they are but if you have a ton of rock like i do then a heater in the sump does not work very well for me just because it can get broken to easy
Really in the overflows??? Why not in the sump?

Because my sumps full:D
Plus when I do a water change,I take the old water out of the sump,so I'd have to unplug the heaters and move them out of my way.With em in the overflows,there already out of the way and I dont have to worry about forgetting to unplug them.