What should i do ?........


Reefing newb
Hey there I have been watching my tank alot and been watching this brown hairy algae start to grow and in my books they say ill go threw a number of algae blooms of some sort. I was just wondering if i need to do something about or just let it do its thing. I am still in my cycle period at the moment. My ammonia, nitrites, are at 0ppm. My nitrates are at like 20ppm, according to my latest tests done on the 1st. Im not panicing or anything but was just curious.......Thanks for any help.....Also here is some pics for you to look at to help..................

updated pics of tank 4-3-09 001.webp

updated pics of tank 4-3-09 002.webp

updated pics of tank 4-3-09 003.webp

updated pics of tank 4-3-09 004.webp

updated pics of tank 4-3-09 007.webp
I wouldnt worry about that if your are cycling your tank! The only thing i would worry about is your tests when your about to add a fish or somthing! Tanks go through a stage like that somtimes!
Looking at your parameters,I'd say your tank is cycled.It might be time to get a small clean up crew in there.
The more you can limit the growth of the algae,the better your tanks going to look.But you will have several bouts with it as you go.Its all part of the process.
Thanks Yote, you said i should add a clean up crew. What would you recommend to start with? I love watching my tank even though there isnt anything in the tank except the weird hitch hikers that i have, because of its always changing. Sorry thats the newbie still in me but im learning......lol
When you get tired of watching and finding new hitch hikers,its time to change hobbies:D I'm going on 3 years of salt now and my favorite part is STILL the stuff you get in the rock.
For your clean up crew,I'd suggest starting with 5 or 6 cerith snails,a few trochus snails,15 or 20 nassarius snails.Maybe a couple of emerald crabs and a couple of brittle and serpent stars (just stay away from the big green brittles).
But dont add em all at once.Just a few at a time.If you get too many,some will end up starving to death.You just want enough to keep up with the cleaning chores.
Follow Yote's advice about the cleaner crew. Also, make sure you are doing water changes even though there's nothing in the tank. 10 to 20 percent of your tank's volume, once or twice a week. And don't use tap water -- tap water will only make your algae problems worse. It may take several months for the various algae phases to be done with, so patience!!
ya everyone has you coverd but mabey try a cupple hermit crabs thay seem to eat the algae pritty good like thay said lots of water change with ro water. you will get a cupple differint kinds of algae thay will take time to cycle, im having fun with dealing with red algae
Well actually in the beginning sorry to say i did use tap water with the water conditioner stuff. I know, I know, I know i should've done that but i didnt have my RO/DI unit at that time. Now I do have a RO/DI so no more tap for me. Ok on the clean up crew ill start adding it slowly and also i will start doing my water changes. Thanks again...
Ok I have a stupid question......I did a 20% water change on my tank yesterday and it took me forever to get the SG right. I followed the directions on the back of the salt container which was 1 cup = per 2 gallons and my SG was still way to high. I finally got it right but is there possibly another way to do it or a better more consistent way? Also I use instant ocean reef crystals. I like to keep my SG at 1.025.
I just add more salt gradually based on what my refractometer reads. I don't go by the directions. Eventually, you'll learn how much salt to add. I still always check the salinity.
i dont know by experience but from what ive read it is much easier and more accurate to pre-mix the water outside of the tank.. maybe someone with more experiance can help you out :P
If you have the room, I recommend that you keep a container for ageing pre-mixed salt water. I use a 15 gallon plastic trash can, and I mix my salt water anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks on advance of my water changes. During this time the water in the trash can is heated to my tank’s temperature and a small powerhead keeps the water moving.

To determine how much salt mix to add here is what I did: I drew a fill-line on the trash can with a permanent marker, and added RO/DI water up to fill line. I then brought the water up to tank temperature. Next I took measuring cups (from my wife’s kitchen…shhh) and slowly added 1/2 cup of mix at a time until I achieved the right SG, and I wrote down the amount of mix I used. Now when I do water changes I just add RO/DI up to the fill line, add the correct number of cups of mix, and let it sit. I always check SG just before a water change just in case, but its been spot on ever since.
LOL......another question........I am actually in the process of buying my clean up crew now, but can i add 1 fish or so with the snails and stuff or is that too much at once? I was about to purchase 2-peppermint shrimp, 3-cerith snails, and 3-banded trochus snails. If I am able to add a fish or so what would be recommended? Thanks
LOL......another question........I am actually in the process of buying my clean up crew now, but can i add 1 fish or so with the snails and stuff or is that too much at once? I was about to purchase 2-peppermint shrimp, 3-cerith snails, and 3-banded trochus snails. If I am able to add a fish or so what would be recommended? Thanks
clean up crew doesnt add to the bio load so if your tank is cycled go get your first fish
I had the ife get me some of those measuring cups from the dollar store.I kept the 1/2 cup and gave the kids the rest of em.I fill my trash can with however many gallons of water I plan to change,drop in my extra mag 7 pump and plug it in,then I add 1/2 cup of salt per gallon of water.Comes out to a perfect 35ppt (1.026) every time.
Fot the fish,just make sure its hardy.So dont go out and buy a tang for your first fish.:D