What is up with my leather :(


Reef pro
So my leather hasnt extended its polyps in about a month or so. It shedded its layer of skin and just hasnt been the same since. It was growing like a layer of algae on the top part so i carefully removed it last week and this is what the flesh looked like underneath. Most of the center is discolored and looks like its dying. The darker flesh is the only stuff that looks normal. It also isnt reactive as normal, usually it will close up with a touch, and it hasnt been doing that. Just a feeble attempt to close up some.


All my other leathers are looking dandy. There is a leather that is right next to it, upstream, could their be some sort of chemical ware fare between the two?

All other corals are looking dandy as well.

ammonia, nitrites, nitrates = 0
alkalinity = 8 dKh
calcium = 400 ppm
salinity = 1.022 (we are fixing it currently)
Hmmmm... Id think the other leather is affecting it as well. You should move it to a different location and see if that helps. Hopefully the problem will resolve itself.
I was thinking the other leather is affecting it also...you may have a chemical warfare going on in your tank. If you have not already done so, try running some carbon to help neutralize/remove the chemicals. Hope it does better for you.