What is it ???


Reefing newb
Seen this just the other morning while the lights were off.........what is it folks ??

Sorry for the crappy pic, lights were off

We've got a few of those out of the live rock at the LFS. I don't think their Gorilla crabs,but that don't matter as their not safe for the tank anyway.
Try to remove that thing ASAP. or may start missing fish and corals soon.
if its like the little guy i found in my tank he grows fast and he pisses off corals. I threw him in the 5 because its fishless. ill get a pic of him after, he came in on an sps colony
They are amazing at being sneaky. I had one in my 2 gallon pico tank. I saw him several times and would find his molts. But I was never able to catch him. You think it'd be easy to catch one in a small tank like that, but I have no idea where he would go and hide out...
The good thing is that my tank is still not fully stocked with coral and the ones that I do have are placed in a position where I can easily see the little guy. If it hangs around enough maybe I'll give it a name....LOL
I had a gorilla crab that actually looked like Donkey Kong. In 2 nights it tore apart 3 softies. I didnt know what was happening untill the 3rd day when I noticed a tunnel in the sand under a rock. Shined a light in the hole and there he was staring at me. I bent a coathanger so there was a little horseshoe shape on the end then bent the end 90 degrees so when the hanger was up and down in the tank, the horseshoe shape laid flat on the sand. Scooped around behind him and yanked him out!
i call mine fuzzy wuzzy lol I just scooped him out of the tank while he was trying to scare the lionfish lol. Bf likes him so i keep him in the 5 gallon tank of death
Well seven months have passed and my dear friend is doing great.....:frustrat:

I've tried several times to catching him using a pair of tweezers however he's a quick little guy, I'll try the soda bottle trick soon.......


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Are the front claws spoon shaped or is that one broken? Sharp pointy pincers are a big indicator of reef safe or not. And black tips on the rest of the legs.