What IS it!?


Reefing newb
I just noticed this! The tank has been cycling since the 17th of April; I've kept all the lights off and, keep the powerheads running with the overflow and return pump also running. I do not have a protein skimmer at the moment, but am going to purchase one from CMC ASAP. IS IT CORALLINE? If it is, I thought it needed more light. Or is it something awful that I should be worried about? It's a pale red color. This is what it looks like...



pleaseplasepleaseplasepleaseplease be coralline :x:
Definitely coralline. I have some red coralline on one of my rocks. Apparently you get different colors depending on the amount of light you have.
AHHH!! It disappeared guys! WHERE DID IT GO!? >_< The spots that it were growing in are empty! But it moved to different spots. I wish I could give you parameters, but my test kits aren't in yet.

EDIT: I would turn the lights on to keep it growing, but I don't want to do that without knowing my parameters.
You're going to get unwanted algae growth in a new tank no matter what you do. If you have hitch hikers that need light to survive, you're going to want to run the lights to keep them alive.
Well, the Coralline that was there this morning is gone too. I don't have any more coralline. :(
I guess I'll start running the lights on a 9 1/2 hour cycle starting tomorrow. Thanks for the tip Biff. :)
OK, I think I know what happened. I might have bleached it when I was taking the pictures and doing my water change. The sudden light change from absolutely nothing for a little less then a week to 6 bulbs of light must of done it; I'm almost positive that was it.

I just set up the Corallife power center and plugged in the fixture. I'm not touching the lights again...

The low light coraline wont survive having the lights on,but you'll get more coraline growing.