what i need to purchase?

I know I shouldn't be asking this but Joeyv what is the price of the 150gal. from Tenecor?Yep,I like more surface area also.

Best of luck,its sounds like it is gonna be sweet!
the 150g rectangular, with pre filter, Sunpaq lighting(marine option, watts-520) is $1900 with shipping.

is that a bad price? if so does anyone know where i could get it cheaper?

o in its fine reeffreak you can ask all the questions you want cause i got a lot that need answered in return haha
No Thats a great price,not bad at all really?Acrylic right...my 210(glass BTW) wasn't to far off, $1300 including tank,stand,glass canopy,plumping but no lights.The fishstore in Nashville wanted $2500 for 200 gallon Tenecor,just the tank alone.I'm a reeffreak not a reefidiot,well...maybe a little.
1900 for is a pretty good price there.I figured those would cost double that.
Now Just wait till tax time again,which is only 9 more months,lol,,,,,gezz the things I get myself into.
ha taxes, lol they will always be therer tho so i guess we have to deal with them, even tho it sucks. yea the tank is from tenecor.com. the filter is from lifereef.com (LF1-150s berlin system, with a refugium). i figured after that all i need is the heaters and whatever i am going to put inside the tank. i probably still got awhile before it all comes together but thank you for all the help and i will keep you posted.