what do I need


Reefing newb
Orrington, ME
We bought a new setup that includes a sump refugium filter system. I keep thinking that I need to add a protein skimmer. If I do where do I put it?

From aquarium to sump it empties through a flat sponge into bio balls then goes to a sponge being held down by ceramics then into the refugium which empties into the tank for the pump. Do we need a skimmer and where would it go? I'm seeking second opinions on this because we were told that we could do without a skimmer. The aquarium is a 40 gallon breeder and the sump system a 20 gallon long.
You do not want bioballs... they basically are nitrate factories in a marine aquarium. You cannot do without a protein skimmer, especially with a fish population. You should put your skimmer where the bioballs are.(after you take them out.)

Welcome to the site!:Cheers:
You should also have more rock in there, you want at least 1 lb per gallon. Also the general rule for saltwater is one small fish for every 10 gallons. You are overstocked and might see some issues because of it.

Also a 40 gal tank is waaaaaaaay too small for a tang of any size, especially the hippo tang. They need at least a 6 ft, 180 gal tank. Putting him in such a small tank is only cruel and will lead to an early death.
Did the LFS tell you he would do fine in that tank?

Sadly, most LFS are notorious for giving terrible, misguided or just flat out wrong advice. They have to sell fish to keep their store open, and if they sell you a fish that wont do well in your tank or sell you more than you should keep and a bunch of them die - its a win for them because you will go back and buy more. Also just because someone works at a LFS doesnt mean they even have a tank, or its one you would want to tell anyone about. Many people just work their for the money, which you cant blame them for, but you should always independently check their advice. We cant make any money off of you on here, and we dont want to see you fail or fish and corals die.
Ya, but the great thing is, you can never have too many corals :) so go get yourself some fun colored mushrooms or zoas! Plus as they grow out you can frag them and get new types!