oh, for some reason i had it in my head that you had a sump under the main tank.. thats where the return pump woulda been.. sorry bout that...
yea, if its warm to the touch, like really warm, then i'd bet thats where the heat is comming from, that combined with that insulating acrylic tank, and taadaaa.
one thing that you could do, that wouldnt hurt anything, and would help you figure this all out, is unplug the skimmer for a day... and watch the tank temps, make sure that you dont change anything else on the system tho, dont keep the top open more than normal, or anything like that.. and just watch the temps for a day. If the temp in the tank starts falling, then you've found your heat source. keeping the skimmer off for a day sholdnt hurt anything..
BJ, i would agree, that by having the pump inline, rather than submerged, then it would add less heat to the water. It adds some, but only a small %...
yea, if its warm to the touch, like really warm, then i'd bet thats where the heat is comming from, that combined with that insulating acrylic tank, and taadaaa.
one thing that you could do, that wouldnt hurt anything, and would help you figure this all out, is unplug the skimmer for a day... and watch the tank temps, make sure that you dont change anything else on the system tho, dont keep the top open more than normal, or anything like that.. and just watch the temps for a day. If the temp in the tank starts falling, then you've found your heat source. keeping the skimmer off for a day sholdnt hurt anything..
BJ, i would agree, that by having the pump inline, rather than submerged, then it would add less heat to the water. It adds some, but only a small %...